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Loss of my beautiful son, forever 27.


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I don't even know quite where to begin.   Just over 2 weeks ago I got the call that changed my life forever.  My beautiful, loving son Drew was gone.   He died in motorcycle accident 3 states where he was living with my nephew.   I knew when the call came from my nephew it could not be good.   For a brief second, I hoped against all odds that he would tell me he was in the hospital... then i just heard "He's gone"

The rest of that night and the next are just a blur.  The unbearable task of telling his sister and brother, along with my ex-wife that we would never hear his voice, never wrap our arms around him to hug, never see another silly picture.    The last 2 weeks have been the blur of making arrangements and just trying to get through the day.

The guilt of not crying all the time.  The agony of hoping that we could get into his phone (we got lucky).   I keep myself busy cleaning up the records and messes of a typical 27 year old young man who does not plan for such a thing.  That gives me a brief respite from just feeling numb.

I have seen there is a group or forum for those who have lost an adult child, but I don't see where to join it.

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That is just awful and tragic. People here can help. We’ve all gone through this. My daughter died at 23 in February so I’m a few months ahead of you. The way ahead is terribly difficult but you CAN do it. 

Keep talking to us. 

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Dear JoePmo,  I’m so sorry about Drew.  You must all be so raw right now and I feel for you.    I lost my own son, David, seven years ago but I remember only too well how devastating and literally shocking those early days and weeks were. 
I post on Loss of an Adult Child - where you will find empathy and friendship - tap on my blue ‘C’ badge - it will take you to my info - tap on any of my Loss of an Adult Child messages and go to the last page.   Don’t be put off by the number of messages - they go back years and many of those parents have moved on but the last page will bring you to us ( a small, welcoming , group ).   Peace to you,  Roz 

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