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I lost my brother when i was 15


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In 2010 when i was 15 i lost my 3 year old brother to a rare form of tumors caused by mononucleosis. The year after his death was hard but i had distractions at school. Shortly after the first annoversary of his death in September my family discovered my other brother had a blood disorder. I felt like i was falling apart, and i felt angry at everyone. Now i have pushed away all of my friends and have no one to talk to but my mom who doesnt exactly understand. I dont know how to cope anymore because his loss is not getting easier its getting worse.

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Have you pushed people away because you are afraid? Afraid of feeling the hurt again? Are you angry? Do you feel guilty? If you could put into words what your mom doesn't understand, then what would you say?

My brother died when I was 14. It was terrible. I will never forget the experience. But please allow friends and family to talk with you and help you remember and cry and vent and rage and everything else. I'm sure they need you as much as you need them.

Have you talked to anyone else about all of this?


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Alot of my friends now say they distanced themselves because they though i wanted to be left alone. My mom doesnt understand my depression. And yes i do feel very angry but i never had a legitiment reason why. My boyfriend has always been the person i went to to talk to but he says i took my anger out on him and now i dont feel like i can tell him anything. Thank you for responding


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