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newbie seeking support


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Hi friends, I lost my best friend of 20 years after a terrible 7-month battle with pancreatic cancer. I loved my friend deeply and I was his major spiritual support, speaking every night during his whole illness..He died two months ago, after which time I cried for 3 weeks. It seemed to get a bit better until his memorial service 2 weeks ago. Since then I am feeling this unfamiliar sense of emptiness and weakness, like a drain has been opened in my body and all my energy has fell out. Bad news, stories of other people dying and in trouble, etc, which generally wouldn't bother me too much now seem to exacerbate the feelings of sadness that I experience constantly..

Is this normal? Will this go away soon? I've never experienced anything like it before and it's a bit scary, uncomfortable and a drag!

Thanks for listening, blessings and keep swingin!


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I am so sorry about the loss of your friend. Yes, hearing stories of loss and having your own emotions escalate is normal. It should subside in time.

We are here for you if you need to talk about it.


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Thank you for your kind reply...I guess it's normal 2 weeks after a memorial service to be struggling with pain and depression? I appreciate your time and encouragement:)


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It is perfectly normal. The pain and depression may last for some time. Are you an exerciser? Exercise is the absolute best way to beat depression. It releases necessary brain chemicals to boost your mood. So, perhaps a stiff walk or a trip to the gym may help you? Also, crying is okay--it really is, and it doesn't mean you are weak.


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Thank you, beautiful. This is the internet at its best:)


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