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What positive can you list today?


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So my neighbor that I hired for everything...chimney cleaning, roof, gutters, firewood, cutting/limbing trees, had a horrific accident Saturday morning, broke six ribs, 12 places, his T12,  T1, L1 will have a long recovery, maybe a year or so, they did a CT and got him in a brace, he's in excruciating pain.  This morning someone stole his car.  Two neighbors found it and towed it back to his place.  They got his battery but don't know if anything else.  How low can one get!  They know who took it, someone who stole from our freezer years ago, the state cop told us who.  I remember they took venison, elk, huckleberries, blackberries, all the hard earned things!  My son was a child then and he looked at the sugar free ice cream and said, "See Mom, I told you that stuff was no good, even the burglars didn't want it!"  He always said the funniest things.

I took a check to his place this morning in a special hand made card, most of the neighbors are doing the same.  I have the best neighbors in the world.

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It just goes to show you that when we start feeling sorry for ourselves and hear a series of bad things happening to one person, it kind of reminds us that there are always those worse off than us.....................

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1 hour ago, KayC said:

I took a check to his place this morning in a special hand made card, most of the neighbors are doing the same.  I have the best neighbors in the world.

So does he. :)  

My positive was Sat went to a winery and the weather was great. Just a nice break before all the winter holiday stuff. 

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27 minutes ago, foreverhis said:

I might have to challenge you to an arm wrestle or something to decide, but I'll concede it's a tie.  I can't imagine a better group of neighbors and friends. 

Wow that is a blessing FH and good for you. In this day and age that is truly a rare gift. Me I'm just happy if my idiot next-door neighbor doesn't blast his music or let his dog bark (andbarkandbarkandbarkandbark) in the back yard. :)  Don't get me wrong; in general I can't kick much. My neighbors aren't "bad," but we're on large wooded lots and people don't tend to associate much. 

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10 hours ago, foreverhis said:

I kind of suck at asking for help myself. 

I use my wheelbarrow for such, roll it from the trunk to wheelbarrow, wheel it where I want it in the house and dump it.  See why I call it my best friend?!


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11 hours ago, foreverhis said:

While I am more than happy to help others, I kind of suck at asking for help myself.  I want to be independent and not seem like a burden, which I know I am not.

Of course we all want to do as much for ourselves as possible; but sometimes life doesn't always give you that choice. Think of the times when you helped others who may have wanted to do something for themselves, but couldn't. Things tend to even out in the long run.

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I had a few positives today that I'm very grateful for, but the one that made me smile the most and pop my eyes out was this item on ABC news:


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2 hours ago, ThereIsAField said:

but the one that made me smile the most and pop my eyes out was this item on ABC news:

Wow!!   Really cool, ThereIsAField!  I'd have the same expression as those kids if I saw that.  :)

I made a lettuce salad for lunch, after talking to my friend who mentioned lettuce ... she made me remember, oh yeah, lettuce!  I used an implement for scraping carrots into thin strips and realized, I haven't used this thing in how long?  Months and months and months!  So for me, lettuce salad was my positive for this day, and using that kitchen tool I'd all but forgotten about.  


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Yesterday my one friend called me, still angry and (it seems to me) fruitlessly furious at her family for something one of them had said to her... and I suggested, "maybe we should go to a wrestling match?  or maybe boxing?" ... and then thought, judo?  karate?  self-defense?  So checked out self-defense classes while still on the phone with her, in our little local town, there ARE two places ... I  and she's ALL FOR IT.  She seems to WANT TO FIGHT.  Well, mebbe they have classes in self-defense for seniors?   NOT something I'm very confident about doing!   hunh, am I in shape for dat?  (DOUBT IT!) ... but it's something she's ENTHUSIASTIC, and I mean REALLY ENTHUSIASTIC about doing, so yeah, at least it's something to ... um ... do.  IF they'll allow a couple of pretty up-there seniors in.  I'm more a yoga kind of person.  I do need to get out ... and do something ... for her, yoga is too wimpy I get the feeling.  First suggestion she's really enthusiastic about.  I'm laughing as I type this.  ... 

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Maybe you can take her to a self-defense class. Tell her you can be an observer. Let the instructor "demonstrate" some moves as she takes some falls to the mat. Drive her home. Then call her up in two days to see if she's ready for round 2. I'm betting she won't be. Watching a some Jackie Chan or Steven Seagal fight scenes are less painful and might be the easier way to vent her frustrations. :)


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8 hours ago, RichS said:

Tell her you can be an observer.

Exactly what I was just thinking.  😹 

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3 hours ago, Boggled said:

Good to hear you were feeling well enough to go to a park, KayC!

Still coughing up stuff wiping nose continually, my head is still foggy, but it is always good to get out and walk, and Kode loved it.  So good to have this park, it's ten miles away but literally vacant in the early morning in the cold!

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Had dinner at Iris last night, was a bit disappointing, she had quiche...not Keto. I had to eat the innards and leave the crust, there wasn't much there so was still hungry. She knows I can't eat that.  Fortunately I brought dessert: Keto Peanut Butter Mug Cake with Keto Chocolate Mousse for "frosting."  Came home hungry BS 110 which is higher than usual after dinner so didn't eat anything else.  Next time will question more beforehand but she usually tries to work with my Keto.  She basically didn't want to eat alone. Someone wants to buy her house and she was crying as it was her and Mike's dream...I told her to think on it a year.  Of course she's all over the place.

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Iris decided to go to the Nutcracker last night "with her friends" even though she'd invited me for today's matinee.  Rude!  Like Thanksgiving.  I feel like a pawn "when it's convenient."  I was good enough to pass on this illness too.

My positive today is I haven't blown my nose once today and I've been up 1 1/2 hours!  Will see how the day progresses.

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Peope can be inconsiderate. The best thing you can do is brush it off and don't let her occupy any more of your brain. Let it go

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My positive relates to two days ago, when my friend and I went to our town's Senior Center to try out the exercise equipment, and going into a room filled with various kinds of exercise equipment, I felt like a little kid let loose in the playground!  Tried a BUNCH of the equipment, used muscles I didn't know I had, it was FUN.  A couple other seniors came in while we were there, and just silently went to some equipment, and slowly did their exercises, no talking, just movin' da muscles.  So, now I know ... it's THERE.  I can use it. 

And there's another Senior Center in our little local county town that iirc also has quite a bit of exercise machines.  So ... my friend wasn't enthused about the exercising!  ... but I enjoyed it ... so can I screw up my weenie amount of courage, and drive to the local Senior Center, all by my little old self?  so I can play with the exercise equipment again?  hunh.  ... a nice simple, hopefully easy challenge.  I LIKE easy.  

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I still have my mom who I care for. Without here I would have no one.

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Wow, Gail, I'm amazed!  I've no idea how old you are but it's been a long time since I've been able to get on the roof!  (I'm 71).  So proud of you, you did it!  And even made the bdy party!

Keny, sometimes that is all we need is purpose, someone to care for, I lost that when my sister died.  Now I basically keep going for Kodie (dog) and Panther (feral cat).  

Last night Jack's son Joseph showed up to blow off my roof and gutters, he checked the track in front of my carport, it's fine.  He's bringing a load of wood next weekend.

Jack is amazing, as long as he doesn't land himself back in the hospital, he went out with Joseph to show him his client's homes and what needs done.  (Don't move, Jack!)

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On 12/16/2023 at 1:28 PM, KayC said:

It's always nice to have people think of you...

You said it, KayC!  It's so true, and so glad and amazed too, that this guy Jack, that has kept you going with wood and chores for so long, is actually up and moving around!  so soon after his accident!  (gasp!) and that he has the son Joseph who sounds like he's following in his dad's footsteps, wow.  

And Gail8588, that's inspiring.  FlexSeal is something I've seen ads for and wondered, about the people experiencing flooding, ... could they just FlexSeal the bottoms of their doors and keep the water out?  but my MIL, when I asked, said no the water comes in even around the foundation.  Anyway, you should be proud of yourself, Gail! for fixing your roof yourself!!!    

I'm telling myself to APPRECIATE the cold.  No ticks and chiggers!  

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1 hour ago, Boggled said:

I'm telling myself to APPRECIATE the cold.  No ticks and chiggers!  

I got a tick off my feral cat recently, intact...flushed down the toilet (don't know if it can survive that to make it out of my septic system, but I didn't want to toss it in a bush and wasn't sure if I tried to stomp on it, it would get away.  They can live w/o a host for seven years just waiting to pounce, so not much hope of cold getting rid of them.  Guess that's what helps sell the tick and flea prevention...

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9 hours ago, Gail 8588 said:

Yesterday there was a lot in the news that Florida was bracing for a huge storm that would being flooding rain. So I checked the forecast and the storm was to be in my area around 3:00 pm.

Great job, Gail!! We were getting the same heavy rains at the same time in North Carolina. Must have been one, big storm. By any chance, was your roof a bahama roof? We had one on our house when we lived in Florida (we later switched to a shingle roof). I remember those days...............going up on the roof with buckets of liquid tar, hoping I was covering the right spots. Also remember having to go up there to release the trapped water that the walls held. On a sunny day, it was so weird to see the water falling down from our roof. The local ducks loved it!

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58 minutes ago, KayC said:

I got a tick off my feral cat recently, intact...flushed down the toilet (don't know if it can survive that to make it out of my septic system, but I didn't want to toss it in a bush and wasn't sure if I tried to stomp on it, it would get away.  They can live w/o a host for seven years just waiting to pounce, so not much hope of cold getting rid of them.

I have also wondered ... can they survive the septic system?  One more question for the scientists ... IF they wanna study that, eh?  and nope, the cold doesn't get rid of them, but they must go into hibernation or dormancy or something, all I know is, when it's cold enough (under 60F I THINK) (and especially when it's been cold for a while, like now), I can walk on the grass and no ticks, no chiggers, hurrahhh!

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I met a friend for his ride (cycling) to work this morning.  I got up at 430, and out the door an hour later.  Good conversation, and he's the one that will likely move in, once Reed (my husband) crosses the rainbow bridge     I expect him to be gone very soon    
the activity of cycling has been my savior this past 17 months.

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ESPN+ refunded the annual renewal fee my dear Tom had set up, yippee! And the woman on the phone was so sweet. It's just money but I appreciate it.

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Iris and I shared dinner last night, Shrimp Curry and Chocolate Mousse (added rum), watched a movie, it wasn't my cup of tea but I know it's hard for her to be alone in the evenings.

My son called me back last night but it was quick, he was on his way to pick up my granddaughter from BB practice.  I didn't get to tell him about Jack's injuries or my skin cancer.

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Had leftover shrimp curry last night, made skillet cookie to bring, turned out well.  Was invited to a get together with a couple of families' kids on my street for Christmas Eve and Christmas night invited to a neighbor's dad's...hoping no snow for driving or will try to catch a ride.  No word from kids.  Kids always in a hurry nowadays, I always made time for my mom!

A neighbor offered to put up lights and my tree but it's a little late this year, told him maybe next year after Thanksgiving, but appreciated the offer.

Haven't heard from but one person at church since I was sick (two weeks).  Love my neighbors!  Took my dog where he can run out in the woods, he's so good to come back when I call him!

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On 12/18/2023 at 9:44 AM, KayC said:

I got a tick off my feral cat recently, intact...flushed down the toilet (don't know if it can survive that to make it out of my septic system, but I didn't want to toss it in a bush . . . 

Ticks are hard to kill. My way of disposing of them is easy. I stick them on a piece of tape fold the tape over the top of the tick and throw the  packet away.  They will never bother man or beast again.

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Good idea, thanks!

I just found this: 

Flushing a tick into a septic tank doesn't effectively get rid of the insect.
Ticks don't drown when in water, so you won't kill them if you flush them down your home's plumbing and into the septic tank. Admittedly, flushing will temporarily get rid of a tick because it won't be in your home or yard anymore. It thing will still be alive, however, so it can breed, find its way to your lawn, and bite animals or people again once it does resurface.
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2 hours ago, Gail 8588 said:

Ticks are hard to kill. My way of disposing of them is easy. I stick them on a piece of tape fold the tape over the top of the tick and throw the  packet away.  They will never bother man or beast again.

I take a lighter to them. It's quick and foolproof. Anyway

Recent positive was someone walking their dog down the street as I was coming out the door, a pretty young lab pup. Very friendly and playful, was fun for a little of that in my life again. 

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8 minutes ago, widower2 said:

I take a lighter to them. It's quick and foolproof.

Good idea!  I had this live tick in my fingers, wiggling around, and needed to do something with it quickly.  What it's end is now is exactly what I DIDN'T want so need to be prepared for next time.  I could always throw it in the wood stove too if it's that time of year.

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MY POSITIVE:  Getting the house cleaned (somewhat) for Ross' birthday tomorrow. Please, no white glove test! Picking up birthday supplies with him this afternoon.

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1 hour ago, KayC said:

Dim the lights and call it good!

Kay:  Great idea for future gatherings at my house! Just won't invite Martha Stewart :)

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28 minutes ago, RichS said:

Just won't invite Martha Stewart :)

I wouldn't, she probably has a housekeeper anyway!

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