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What positive can you list today?


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47 minutes ago, KayC said:

Kodie is sick, diarreah and vomiting.  :(  My positive will be when he gets well.  I think it's something he ate yesterday, at Jazzy's.  

Yeah dogs can be touchy that way - their system is used to the same food, so when something different comes along, it can throw them off.

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2 hours ago, KayC said:

Kodie is sick, diarreah and vomiting.  :(  My positive will be when he gets well.  I think it's something he ate yesterday, at Jazzy's.  

Poor sweetheart.  I know you're taking the best care of him.  It's so hard to see our animal companions sick or in pain. I am sending loving prayers to him--and you too.

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Iris said she had something old in the freezer and it smelled bad so she gave it to the dogs Tuesday.  Yep, that would have done it.  I just don't understand why you'd give it to the dogs if it's bad!  Her view of dogs is subhuman, it sickens me.  Now my poor baby is paying the price.  Tuesday she also exposed me to her cold, yesterday my throat started burning.  She'd flung open the door and her face was one ft. from mine, horribly sick. :angry2:  Yay.  Yesterday I ate a total of 8 carbs, today blood sugar is at 116 (not good).  Yep, that would do it.

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Don't let weather or dark keep you from having fun.

It's been my experience that when I force myself out it is usually worth the trouble. There is no fun to be had moping around my house alone.

My positive:

I am going to say yes to the very next thing.

Ps. I have a foot of snow and I hate scraping my vehicles off.

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54 minutes ago, KayC said:

Iris said she had something old in the freezer and it smelled bad so she gave it to the dogs Tuesday.  Yep, that would have done it.  I just don't understand why you'd give it to the dogs if it's bad! 

That is unconscionable but not surprising. When I worked at a homeless engagement center, where those who were in the street could come in for a shower, medical care, case management, etc., people would drop off expired gallons of milk (half gone), huge black trash bags full of (unwrapped) stale danish, and soiled underwear.

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I was there but didn't know it was bad, she admitted that AFTER he got sick!  She goes to Mexico the end of Jan, will be back in March, then plans to lease her house and move there and she says it'll be too hot for Jazzy so will undoubtedly farm her out.  Disposable, like trash.  It breaks my heart for her.  Me, on the other hand, values Kodie more than myself!  She wants me to take Jazzy but I can't with my hands/lack of strength.  It will be hard on them both to be separated.

27 minutes ago, RichS said:

Worst physical feeling I've ever had!

I've had it too, got it from some fresh shrimp I bought and cooked (from Fred Meyers) wasn't sure which end to put on the toilet, so made a snap decision and cleaned up the vomit...you are right, VERY painful!  That was over 50 years ago.

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47 minutes ago, KayC said:

I was there but didn't know it was bad, she admitted that AFTER he got sick!  She goes to Mexico the end of Jan, will be back in March, then plans to lease her house and move there and she says it'll be too hot for Jazzy so will undoubtedly farm her out.  Disposable, like trash.  It breaks my heart for her. 

That makes me nauseous. People should have to pass some kind of test before being allowed to own a pet. 

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1 hour ago, KayC said:

She goes to Mexico the end of Jan, will be back in March, then plans to lease her house and move there

She can go there and get things even for "Montezuma's Revenge." 

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3 hours ago, KayC said:

Tuesday she also exposed me to her cold, yesterday my throat started burning.

I hope you are over it?   

Yesterday I'd asked some erstwhile neighbors who've moved about 10 miles away for a favor.  They called and couldn't manage it ... that was okay.  But then she asked me for the several pieces of pink insulation board my husband had stored away before he died ... first I told her, "I'm not ready to do that," then when she PRESSED, I told her "those things are worth money, I'm not ready to give them away," and she responded sounding slightly ANGRY.  I looked up the word "presumptuous" ... (hahahaha) ... because I was really pissed off ... because I've GIVEN them things (sort of valuable things!) in the past, but IMHO this was ... improperly trying to take advantage of me! ... and as of yesterday, I've started this "peace" state of mind, NOT so much of the GRIEVING state of mind where I just said "oh that's okay, just take it."  Anyhoo, looking up "presumptuous" reassured me that yes, this IS something that people can be, and IMHO she was being it!   

ah well.  I'd say my good thing that's happening for today is, I've found a peaceful state of mind that I can enter!   AND it's helping me to avoid being "presumed upon!"   

presume on/upon somebody’s friendship/generosity etc | meaning of presume on/upon somebody’s friendship/generosity etc in Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English | LDOCE (ldoceonline.com)

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1 hour ago, widower2 said:

People should have to pass some kind of test before being allowed to own a pet. 

I agree!
You can see why I do what I can for Jazzy but unfortunately, when all is said and done, her and Kodie will be the losers in this situation.  And Iris will just continuing to have a ball at their detriment.

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51 minutes ago, Boggled said:

I hope you are over it?   

Yesterday I'd asked some erstwhile neighbors who've moved about 10 miles away for a favor.  They called and couldn't manage it ... that was okay.  But then she asked me for the several pieces of pink insulation board my husband had stored away before he died ... first I told her, "I'm not ready to do that," then when she PRESSED, I told her "those things are worth money, I'm not ready to give them away," and she responded sounding slightly ANGRY.  I looked up the word "presumptuous" ... (hahahaha) ... because I was really pissed off ... because I've GIVEN them things (sort of valuable things!) in the past, but IMHO this was ... improperly trying to take advantage of me! ... and as of yesterday, I've started this "peace" state of mind, NOT so much of the GRIEVING state of mind where I just said "oh that's okay, just take it."  Anyhoo, looking up "presumptuous" reassured me that yes, this IS something that people can be, and IMHO she was being it!   

ah well.  I'd say my good thing that's happening for today is, I've found a peaceful state of mind that I can enter!   AND it's helping me to avoid being "presumed upon!"   

presume on/upon somebody’s friendship/generosity etc | meaning of presume on/upon somebody’s friendship/generosity etc in Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English | LDOCE (ldoceonline.com)

Reminds me of Iris!  Yes very presumptious, entitled, treats everyone that way.   All of the neighbors, etc. esp.

Entering peace is VERY important!  I'm glad you stuck up for  yourself.  I'm done missing Thanksgiving, etc and will check whatever she wants to give the dogs first!  It's sickening when you can't trust someone, bad enough for myself but when you start harming my pet...

Kodie is doing slightly better, will continue to keep him on the mixture, had to let him out at 4 am to poop, that's not normal.

I am doing better, I contribute it to my health.  She has gone back to carbs and her illness is lasting longer.

Now if I can escape the Covid that is going around...

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58 minutes ago, KayC said:

Reminds me of Iris!  Yes very presumptious, entitled, treats everyone that way.   All of the neighbors, etc. esp.

Entering peace is VERY important!  I'm glad you stuck up for  yourself.  I'm done missing Thanksgiving, etc and will check whatever she wants to give the dogs first!  It's sickening when you can't trust someone, bad enough for myself but when you start harming my pet...

I searched ... why do people presume on others' possessions? ... interestingly, this video, one of the results, talks about "not being taken advantage of," and also mentions "locus of control," and "respect" in various iterations, and "confidence," one of the BIG things I've felt myself to have LOST in grieving (and that I'm somehow regaining through finding peace, as mentioned above).    (the voice, though, is IMHO hard to hear!)

Bing Videos

and on another link on the subject of self respect and confidence and grieving:

" So where does self-esteem come in and how does grief take it away?  

"Signs & Symptoms of Grief

"For starters, let’s talk about the symptoms of grief. Loss of focus. Feeling exhausted. Feeling scattered. There’s so many changes that can happen after we’ve had a loss. When we add them all up we can be left thinking, “what happened to me? I used to have it so together”. While I talk about the individual signs and symptoms of grief quite a bit, it is the accumulation of these changes that leads to such a deep and significant dip in self-esteem. After all, we’re talking about a loss of almost every good adjective we would have used to describe ourselves in the past. Organized, motivated, optimistic. Our resume of emotional health may not seem to have a lot to offer anymore and a sudden dip in confidence can be attributed directly to it. 

"Who We Lost

"This one may be easier to see. First, let’s think about the loss of our parents. The people who loved us unconditionally. Or the spouse or partner who had a way of making everything feel okay. Who loved us physically, intellectually, and provided a safe and intimate sense of security. Who am I without these people to tell me I’m good? Or beautiful? Or smart? Did I ever really believe it in the first place or did I just like the way I looked when reflected in their eyes? The level of confidence our loved ones may provide us isn’t something we necessarily recognize as acutely when they’re here. But there’s no doubt it’s something that we can feel the sharp and painful absence of when they’re not.   . . . "

Self-Esteem & Grief - The Hidden Loss - Grief In Common

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1 hour ago, Boggled said:

But then she asked me for the several pieces of pink insulation board my husband had stored away before he died ... first I told her, "I'm not ready to do that," then when she PRESSED, I told her "those things are worth money, I'm not ready to give them away," and she responded sounding slightly ANGRY.

I've been in the midst of insulating my crawlspace with foamboard and I can tell you, up here in Canada, the pink boards are like gold...well, just as expensive anyway. I did my research and decided to use the cheaper boards with the same R-value (messier to cut) but sounds like your husband was a smart guy who knew they were worth holding onto!

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1 minute ago, DWS said:

I've been in the midst of insulating my crawlspace with foamboard and I can tell you, up here in Canada, the pink boards are like gold...well, just as expensive anyway!

Good they're so expensive, DWS, because it tweaked some self-protective inner bit of "me" into saying 'NO."  Not just "no" either ... after hanging up the phone I stayed mad and said a few non-mentionables.

Boundaries.   hahahahahaha.   

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Just to be clear, Iris doesn't want my possessions (no one does!) but favors, all the time, yet none returned.  

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55 minutes ago, KayC said:

Just to be clear, Iris doesn't want my possessions (no one does!) but favors, all the time, yet none returned.  

I guess my lesson for the day is never forget you have the RIGHT to "just say no."   

And yeah, I was searching that because that's what had happened to ME.  

And wow, DWS!  Go!! Your cat Daniel looks very ... kingly!

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So sad to hear about Kodie.  I imagine Jazzy got sick as well?  It’s probably a good thing for Iris to give Jazzy a new home.  Maybe you know someone who will be a good fit for her, @KayC?  

Today I got to watch my puppy’s first experience with snow.  It was so fun to see her curiosity!  I could tell she absolutely hated the cold but loved the fun of it all.  It made me laugh when she finally ran up to the door to come into the house with face covered in snow and shivering.  Puppies are so much work but they sure can bring so much joy!

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No idea if Jazzy got sick or not as Iris doesn't check her stools.  She is 2 1/2 times Kodie's size do may have been able to handle it.

2 hours ago, DWS said:



Great job!  Fit for a king (cat)!

My positive is I took Kodie for a run (off leash) at Portal Park, further from the smoke ("controlled burns") and he loved it!  So well behaved.

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Okay, my positive today is the power came back on!  I'd just taken a loaf of bread out of the oven and made cauliflower bites, cleaned up my mess, and off it went!  Perfect timing if you have to lose your power.  We went on an hour long walk, just walked in, and it came on!k

Never got Kodie to poop, but guess you can't have everything!

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My very tiny positive is I finally got some things done around the house that were overdue and had a surprisingly good sirloin steak. Wegemann's meats rock! 

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My tiny positive is that I started getting my house in order, so I can eventually decorate for the holidays.  Getting started is the hardest part for me some times.

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4 hours ago, Gail 8588 said:

My tiny positive is that I started getting my house in order, so I can eventually decorate for the holidays.  Getting started is the hardest part for me some times.

Good for you, Gail. It's a big thing! I did my outdoor lights and my two trees last weekend, though it was a joyless slog. I figured it can't hurt and it might help.

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This will be my first Christmas without a tree, but I have to focus on surviving Kodie's surgery recovery and by the time we're done with that, 12/21 will be here, so forget it.  :(  I'll have already missed all the festivities, church, White Elephant, Bible Studies, Ladies Christmas Party, and last Sat I spaced out and forgot the Bridge Lighting, always fun, they haven't had it the last four years, first time they have since Covid.

I look forward to posting a positive about having survived this once again.

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On 12/1/2023 at 5:41 PM, AJ4 said:

Yesterday I went for coffee with the author of an as yet unpublished book which includes pictures of my husband.  It's a children's book about a dog with photos of the dog going to the vet (my husband was his vet).   He gave me a copy of the book, and it's really really cute.  The pictures are from a while back, my husband was probably mid 30s at the time.   He looks so young and handsome.  ❤️    Anyway, it's pretty special to me.  

AJ4, that is so LOVEly and NICE!   

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13 minutes ago, RichS said:

Kay:  Is this in regards to Kodie getting sick from the expired food?

inverted eye (lid, I think)  


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1 hour ago, RichS said:

Kay:  Is this in regards to Kodie getting sick from the expired food?

No, this is something congenital, just showed up this year.

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Well another positive for today is I'm having my 3rd Birthday dinner tonight. My birthday was Sunday and my son had me over to his house for a homemade birthday dinner of pork roast, potatoes, salad etc and yummy chocolate cake. Monday my friend of 45 years drove me to the gulf coast in her convertible, with the top down and the heat on, for a seafood dinner. Tonight my sister-in-law is coming into town on a business trip. She will be staying with me for a couple of nights and she is taking me out to dinner for my birthday at one of my favorite Italian restaurants. 

So it's been a 3 day celebration this year.  😊

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Happy Birthday, Gail!  We used to celebrate all month, now no one to celebrate with, but keep enjoying your birthday as long as you can! :D

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Happy birthday, Gail! 🍰

@ Kay C best of luck with Kodi's eye surgery.

It's been really cloudy here, chilly but not too cold.  It is affecting my mood.  So, my few positives for today are that 1 took an extra 10mg of my depression meds and I bought a poinsettia @ Walmart.

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8 hours ago, Gail 8588 said:

So it's been a 3 day celebration this year.

And you deserve every one of those celebrations!  Happy Birthday...week.🎁💗

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8 hours ago, Gail 8588 said:

Well another positive for today is I'm having my 3rd Birthday dinner tonight. My birthday was Sunday and my son had me over to his house for a homemade birthday dinner of pork roast, potatoes, salad etc and yummy chocolate cake. Monday my friend of 45 years drove me to the gulf coast in her convertible, with the top down and the heat on, for a seafood dinner. Tonight my sister-in-law is coming into town on a business trip. She will be staying with me for a couple of nights and she is taking me out to dinner for my birthday at one of my favorite Italian restaurants. 

So it's been a 3 day celebration this year.  😊

Happy birthday, whoo hooo you can get in bars now!!

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You all already know my positive for the day (look in the not mundane thread) is!

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