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What positive can you list today?


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3 hours ago, foreverhis said:

I don’t know why so many restaurants think it’s a good idea to mess with the tried and true.

Because it's trendy to be trendy :rolleyes:  "Let's put all these weird ingredients in it and give it a weird name, people will think it's 'exotic' and buy it like hotcakes!" 

Anyway...speaking of BBQ reminded me of when we were kids, we used to call sloppy joes "BBQ" (hey, we were from the North, what did we know about BBQ). And it isn't BBQ, but man I loved that stuff. In fact I'm dying for THAT now. I haven't had it for years.

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51 minutes ago, foreverhis said:

My mom used to make those all the time, though she didn't call them BBQ because my maternal grandma (the Southern one) would have figuratively slapped her upside the head.  I loved them in part because "the cooking/baking gene" skipped a generation and my mom was a...challenged cook. 

Too funny, so was mine. Her mother wasn't a great cook either (but both could get by on basic stuff). Which worked out because we weren't too hard to please, nor was my meat n taters dad. (My dad being a butcher had something to do with it.) tbh I think part of it for my mom was a rather low self-esteem/self-confidence. My sisters could all cook and my father's mother was a classic grandma good cook. Not fancy, but good. She had this recipe for applesauce, oh man it was great, better than any I've had since. 


My dad had some signature dishes he taught us like Alsace style Beouf Bourgogne (best ever; beats even Julia Child's) 

Oh great, make me hungry for something ELSE now. (Side note, I visited the Alsace region with my beloved when she came over to visit when I was on business in Germany. Great wine!) 


Our brother is what my grandma would have called "a good plain cook."  He's no slouch in the kitchen, but he doesn't have the artistic and creative flair my sister and I have.

That's more or less me. I am willing to experiment a little though (never was one much for exact measurements...I'd make a terrible baker). 


Man, I shouldn't be riffing about food so close to my dinner time and after working outside on the house today.  Now I want all of it!

Live and learn; I don't read this thread until after dinner now. :) 

That all said, sloppy joe mix and ground turkey are on next week's grocery list. 

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All this talk of home cooking brings back fond memories of my childhood meals.  Simple filling fare, heavy on starches and veggies, sparse on the meat, but very tasty.  I think my mom regularly stretched one roasted chicken to make 3 family dinners. A bit thrown in chop suey vegetables served over lots of rice. The next night chicken n dumplings in gravy over mashed potatoes. Then a chicken pot pie stuffed with veggies.  It was always tasty and I never realized she was making due with a very limited food budget.

I did not set such a good example for my own kids, feeding them way too much carry out food.  Now my kids don't seem to know how to eat on a budget.

My kids today spend a fortune on food. They go out to eat at lunch and then order take out from restaurants for dinner, pretty much every day. I keep telling them that they would save a ton of money by eating simpler meals that they prepare at home. 

In a way it also makes special birthday or holiday meals less special when you have a "fancy" restaurant meal everyday.

Well this post started off being about good memories of my childhood meals and morphed into me  complaining about my kids spending patterns.

Sorry about that.  I'll wind up here saying I loved eating tomato sandwiches in the summer. Just white bread, mayonnaise and slices of delicious tomatoes from the garden.  


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9 hours ago, Gail 8588 said:

All this talk of home cooking brings back fond memories of my childhood meals.  Simple filling fare, heavy on starches and veggies, sparse on the meat, but very tasty.  I think my mom regularly stretched one roasted chicken to make 3 family dinners. A bit thrown in chop suey vegetables served over lots of rice. The next night chicken n dumplings in gravy over mashed potatoes. Then a chicken pot pie stuffed with veggies.  It was always tasty and I never realized she was making due with a very limited food budget.

I did not set such a good example for my own kids, feeding them way too much carry out food.  Now my kids don't seem to know how to eat on a budget.

My kids today spend a fortune on food. They go out to eat at lunch and then order take out from restaurants for dinner, pretty much every day. I keep telling them that they would save a ton of money by eating simpler meals that they prepare at home. 

In a way it also makes special birthday or holiday meals less special when you have a "fancy" restaurant meal everyday.

Well this post started off being about good memories of my childhood meals and morphed into me  complaining about my kids spending patterns.

Sorry about that.  I'll wind up here saying I loved eating tomato sandwiches in the summer. Just white bread, mayonnaise and slices of delicious tomatoes from the garden.  


No worries Gail. But tomato sandwiches? ugh! I like the sauces, but not the veggie (oops, "fruit"). 

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Mine today: Iris invited me for breakfast at noon...ham and scrambled eggs!  Sorry, Kodie, you'll be outside playing with Jazzy!


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My pastor friend's church sent me a hand-crocheted prayer shawl! It's so pretty. I guess this does officially make me an old lady though. I picked up my husband's minivan from the body shop today and the guy referred to me as an older lady, as in why does an older lady drive a minivan. BECAUSE IT'S LIKE DRIVING A SOFA , THAT'S WHY. I wanted to kick him in the shins!

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I would have said, "I don't know. Why do stupid people work in body shops?"

People are unbelievable! 

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1 hour ago, DotPark said:

the guy referred to me as an older lady, as in why does an older lady drive a minivan. BECAUSE IT'S LIKE DRIVING A SOFA , THAT'S WHY. I wanted to kick him in the shins!

Well I guess that makes me an old man. I'm over 65 and I drive a Honda Odeyssey.

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9 minutes ago, widower2 said:

I'm so old I don't even know what that is. 

Is it like a Pinto? 

You can fit five Pintos in an Odyssey.

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@DotPark One day I was in the grocery store tugging at a big bag of dry dog food on the bottom shelf when a nice young man stocking shelves literally abandoned his duties and came running toward me shouting 'Ma'am Ma'am, let me get that for you".  There was such panic in his voice I'm sure he thought I'd keel over with a heart attack or something if I tried to lift the dog food into the cart.  I was officially pronounced an 'old lady' that day.

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I have to take back my positive yesterday regarding my Odyssey. It broke down in front of a Walgreen's. Had to have to towed to the service station that I had taken it to the day before. Hopefully all it is is the battery, but I have my doubts. Oh well, what can I expect: An "old man" driving an old car (2003). :)

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22 hours ago, Gail 8588 said:

I think my mom regularly stretched one roasted chicken to make 3 family dinners.

For us it wasn't so much that we absolutely had to stretch the budget, it was more a matter of John and I both hating waste.  He used to say I could "really work a chicken" because we'd get a number of meals out of one and I always made stock with the carcass.  I don't roast chickens these days, but I do buy a good quality rotisserie chicken from time to time and make several dishes from it or just shred off the meat and freeze it in portions for later.

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18 minutes ago, foreverhis said:

That's wonderful.  My father's side of the family is originally from the Alsace region and some members came to the United States about 100 years ago after living in Quebec and Montreal for 50 years.  I've always wanted to visit France, Germany, and Italy.  Though John and I traveled as much as we could, we never made it to those countries.  I don't think I'll ever want to go without him.

I get that. She loved Paris (went there right before we met) and wanted to go back, but I was too stupid to get how much it meant to her. As much as Paris would be cool in some ways, I can't imagine going there now. It would be painful not to be there with her. Still, Alsace was fun. They have this amazing cathedral there that we toured. And of course wine. 

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18 minutes ago, foreverhis said:

For us it wasn't so much that we absolutely had to stretch the budget, it was more a matter of John and I both hating waste. 

Me too! I have always hated wasted food in particular. I could joke about my parents talking about "starving children in (pick a continent)" as a kid, but they didn't...it was just something I grew to feel myself. To this day, I hate even small amounts of wasted food. If I drop something on the floor, I'll throw it out back where I figure some animal will at least get it. And I get mad at myself if something goes bad in the fridge, which is rare. 

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Wow, what a sweet mechanic!  I heard of one that is here that picked the gal up from work and took her home, and only charged her $50 for what he did, amazing!  He didn't like her walking home late at night.  Her mom told me about this.  Wow, I never had a mechanic do what your's did or her's did either one!

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He is the sweetest!  My husband would only use him and no one else.  He just returned and even did my oil change!!!  Only set me back $284. Unbelievable service.

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10 minutes ago, DMB said:

Only set me back $284

If my auto repair bill comes in for the same amount, I would be happy!

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I have had the great good fortune of having my son and his family visit for Thanksgiving holiday.  

It has given me a boost mood-wise.  Something I've noticed, if this is a journey of finding peace within ourselves, I've been wrenched out of my personal journey (110 Hz solfreggio music, for example) into the life-form of family, entirely different!  My quiet has been decidedly interrupted! by family-people as nice and sweet as they can be, but entirely not living MY state of life as it has been for many months now.  I have a little kettle grill, which we had a small fire in for two nights and sat around talking and roasting marshmallows (not me eating marshmallows though!), and I tried singing "Kum ba ya," (which means "come by here," calling out dare I mention it? to God) ... BUT ... I was the only one singing it!  it's just not the mind-state of the rest!    It started out me playing 110 Hz solfreggio music, and switched, over the week of TIME, to watching some HORRID newish movie with what I personally perceived as DISGUSTING "alien life" ... so I realize ... I'm in a quite different mind-set from these family people.   Sorta funny.  

And still, it has been great having them here.  BUT I prefer my own state of mind.  And that's funny (at least right now it is) too.  

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Took the dogs to the resorvoir yesterday to run off leash, they made friends with a Jazzy and Koda, how funny is that!  Took them to DQ for puppy cones.  

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I laughed out loud at TV show last night, that NEVER happens. It scared the cat! (A British series, Taskmaster, FREE on YouTube. I highly recommend season 16.)

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On 11/20/2023 at 9:05 PM, widower2 said:

sloppy joe mix and ground turkey are on next week's grocery list. 

Got and made. Oh man it was good. I have to do this more often :)  

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My positive today is it hasn't snowed yet!  Still debating whether or not to attempt Bible Study, it means being gone several hours and anything can happen when I'm gone that long.  OTOH, if I stay home and it doesn't snow, will wish I'd gone...

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19 minutes ago, KayC said:

My positive today is it hasn't snowed yet! 

Here's hoping that you get very little exercise shoveling snow this winter and that the shovel sits in your shed collecting dust.

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5 hours ago, Sheilz said:

My other positive was last night a friend took me through "Bright Nights".  It's a drive thru Christmas light park.  It was free to all first responders, military, etc.  They did a nice job & it was nice to see the appreciation for all of our Vets (active & retired) and first responders.  I even had some hot cocoa.  

I wish they had something around here like that; not because I want any accolades as a vet, I just want free entry ;)  


54 minutes ago, KayC said:

My positive today is it hasn't snowed yet!  Still debating whether or not to attempt Bible Study, it means being gone several hours and anything can happen when I'm gone that long.  OTOH, if I stay home and it doesn't snow, will wish I'd gone...

I have similar decisions too Kay; something will be going on and I'm thinking ugh I don't want that long drive (esp in winter if it's in the dark) but I don't want to be cooped up at home so much either. Decisions decisions....

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Kodie is sick, diarreah and vomiting.  :(  My positive will be when he gets well.  I think it's something he ate yesterday, at Jazzy's.  

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