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Has anyone lost a loved one to COPD?


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I lost my mother to COPD on 04/22/12, when she was removed from the ventilator. I still have so many questions and wonder if she had not been intubated, would she have possibly gotten better? I would love to hear from anyone who has had experience with this type of death. Thank you!

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Mamasdarlin, Hi, and Im sorry for your loss. Yes. I lost my mother in law to COPD in November 2011. She did pretty well for the first year, but each time she came back from the hospital, she was worse. She was on an oxygen machine around the clock and had gotten to the point where she would get short of breath just by taking a few steps. What questions can I try to help you with?

I lost my mother to COPD on 04/22/12, when she was removed from the ventilator. I still have so many questions and wonder if she had not been intubated, would she have possibly gotten better? I would love to hear from anyone who has had experience with this type of death. Thank you!

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