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Some of child's cells remain within us


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A bright spot for my day ... An article on LifeSiteNews grabbed my attention when it proclaimed that - long after we give birth - some of our babies' cells remain a part of us. I always knew Isabelle would remain a part of me, but I hadn't realized it would be in a literal fashion!

I've posted more information on my blog if you're interested: http://www.amylyon.blogspot.com/2012/04/pieces-of-her.html

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A bright spot for my day ... An article on LifeSiteNews grabbed my attention when it proclaimed that - long after we give birth - some of our babies' cells remain a part of us. I always knew Isabelle would remain a part of me, but I hadn't realized it would be in a literal fashion!

I've posted more information on my blog if you're interested: http://www.amylyon.b...ces-of-her.html

I read a similar article a few months ago. I know this is true! I have felt it and experienced it all my life.God bless you

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