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Love in Heaven


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I lost the love of my life almost 24 years ago. I've carried the pain and guilt every single day since then and my adult life as far as relationships has been a train wreck. I believe to this day that he was my one finest hour, the counterpart to my soul. I've been engaged 3 times since him and never did marry. I can't move away from the hope and faith that when God calls me to Heaven, my precious Ricky will be waiting for me there....wearing his black felt cowboy hat smiling at me with his beautiful crooked smile.....

But what really happens when we get there? Will we love each other as a couple the way we did here or is the love we all feel for each other in heaven exactly the same? What will really happen when I see him again?"

almost 24 years has gone by and I have three beautiful children that are every reason I breathe each day. I had a dream several months ago that haunts me. a stranger came up behind me as I was standing on a bridge looking over a river. I never turned to see his face but I heard him say...:"if God came to you today and said he would give you back that chance to change that fateful decision you made that day in 1988, would you take it?".....I look at my babies and how they are growing up so beautifully (10, 12 and 19)...and I can't imagine life without them....then I close my eyes and can almost feel his arms around me again, out in the middle of that hay field with a million stars in the clear sky..truck door open and dancing to Sawyer Brown on the Radio...that was heaven on earth for me...the only true love I've known and maybe will ever know...and I'm torn...and then I wonder what will happen when we see each other again in Heaven

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Lori Lynn,

What do you think happens when we meet again in Heaven? Does anyone know for sure what will happen? I'd like to think that I will get a chance to talk to my father and the rest of my loved ones, and we will laugh and catch up on memories and experiences.

I know there are millions of answers about what is going to happen in Heaven. No matter what the right answer is--I'm sure we are all going to like it--don't you?

I am sorry about the loss of your soulmate.


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The answer is of course that nobody really knows. MK makes a very good point in that whatever it is we are likely not to complain. :)

To be honest, I don't get why you think getting re-married means you'll be with Ricky any less in Heaven - Heaven is for Heaven, but your life here is what you have now. It sure aint Heaven but it can be worth living and you can have the fulfillment of a relationship again, if you want it. If not that's OK too but it seems to me you very much do or you wouldn't have gotten engaged three times. I can't say of course but I'd bet serious money that Ricky would want you to be happy and not alone in that way. When the time comes, you'll be back together.

Getting back to what happens, again I don't know but I am really hoping a certain someone is there "at the pearly gates" to greet me and wow is she ever going to get the hug of a lifetime. :)

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