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Almost 7 Months


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I haven't been on here in quite some time. It has been almost 7 months since I lost my fiance. This week would have been our wedding day.

these 7 months have been like an emotional roller coaster. I have my good days and i have my bad days. I have my good moments and my bad moments.

I just wanted to see how everyone on here was doing.

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I hope you managed to have a peaceful day on that special anniversary date. Those can certainly be the toughest. How are you doing? Have you started anything new? Read anything new? I know it's been tough, but are you doing okay?--Really?

Are you finding support within your family and circle of friends?

It is nice to hear from you,


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jw I'm very sorry, I can only imagine. This week will no doubt be one of the hardest imaginable. The good news is it should hopefully get easier from there (not easy per se but easieR). Pls feel free to rant or whatever here any time. Thinking of you.

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