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I missed my mom today!!


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I missed my mom so much today!!! She loved Easter and this is the first Easter that she was not here. It was so hard calling my in-law's to say Happy Easter...I felt like something was missing. I wanted to call my mom so bad. Things have not gone well for me and my family since my mom passed. No matter what, it seems like bad luck keeps following us. If it's not one thing, it's another. I hope that things get better for us...I would like to feel some relief soon.

I hope everyone had a nice Easter!


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I know how difficult it is to spend a holiday without your loved one. Some people like to start new traditions in honor of their lost loved one. Did you try to do anything special?

I remember my first holiday without my Dad (Thanksgiving). We went through the motions but there was no joy. It does get better, but it takes awhile.

Thanks for asking about everyone else.


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