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What am I Doing Wrong


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I am sorry for complaining but over and over I have poured my heart and soul out and some of it I did not want to tell but I felt I must so that you would understand alot of why my son killed himself, but I just feel like I must be writing things that I am not suppose to write. I could write in a journal that never gives me feedback if I wanted. I just do not understand why most of what I post I see people have viewed but not hardly any response or none at all. I do not write because I enjoy where I am at I am writing reaching out trying to see if anyone can let me know maybe if I am doing something wrong or if I am seeing something the wrong way or do a different thing. Or sometimes just to know that someone might care. I just do not feel that in this place. I am sorry to sound harsh, but I am just a very honest person and it can get me into trouble alot. I know that I write alot and sometimes or most of the time it is drawn out, and for that I am sorry. I just have no where else to turn and at this point I am giving up on this sight beccause I do not see the point of pouring out my pain and heartache and get no response. It just makes me more feeling alone then ever. That is all I have to say. Thanks for listening.

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Dear Robert'sMom

I am so very sorry for your sadness and the painful loss of your precious son, Robert. Most posters who connect with each other and respond to each others messges post to the :

Loss of an Adult Child Board. Many go straight to that Board and do not see your messages.

The people that view your messages and do not respond may be too sad or lost to offer support.

I have not posted here in a long time but have found that this is a compassionate, supportive community that saved my life and sanity.I lost my only child, Stephen 5 years ago and I was a regular here for over 3 years.

I urge you to go to the Loss of adult child thread You will find messages from other moms who are suffering. The upper right hand corner of that Board has a "Reply" button Click on Reply and post your heart out I guarantee you will he acknowledged

I am tryly sorry

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Sorry I guess I am dumb but I thought all this time I had been posting on loss of adult child. But now I am confused because I would click on where it says adult child and then I would click on new topic so I just assumed I was in the adult child site. Now I feel real stupid and do not understand how to post correctly.

Dear Robert'sMom

I am so very sorry for your sadness and the painful loss of your precious son, Robert. Most posters who connect with each other and respond to each others messges post to the :

Loss of an Adult Child Board. Many go straight to that Board and do not see your messages.

The people that view your messages and do not respond may be too sad or lost to offer support.

I have not posted here in a long time but have found that this is a compassionate, supportive community that saved my life and sanity.I lost my only child, Stephen 5 years ago and I was a regular here for over 3 years.

I urge you to go to the Loss of adult child thread You will find messages from other moms who are suffering. The upper right hand corner of that Board has a "Reply" button Click on Reply and post your heart out I guarantee you will he acknowledged

I am tryly sorry

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Please don't give up on this site yet. I am new too and i was posting wrong too and it took me awhile to realize that I needed to clikc on the Adult Child forum and then reply not new post. I am so sorry that you are hurting so, and I understand. My daughter died March 14th and it is the hardest thing I have ever gone through. I have no answers since I am still struggling big time, but I hope sharing it instead of keeping it in will help. I care about you and your pain.

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Hi Again

You are both new to this grief journey and need all the support and compassion that you can receive. Knowing how to navigate a web site under normal conditions is extremely difficult. When one has lost the most precious part of her life, knowing how to function in even the simple parts of life is practically impossible.

Please be very gentle with yourself. What you did with posting is logical. There are no instructions and when I first arrived I did the same.

Please go to that Board and just click Reply and you are connected to love empathy and a community that cares.


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