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Easter- a time of joy, hope (and a little sadness)


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Last year at Easter we buried my father, because it was his birthday and he died a few days earlier. I love Easter. And I truly enjoyed egg hunts this year with my son and church with my husband and son. But still a little sadness in the back of my mind thinking of my dad. Went to his grave today and put some new Spring flowers in the vase. I cried. But I am thankful for by beautiful family, this gorgeous weather, and for Easter- a sign of hope in the world.

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You have quite a way from last year. It sounds as though you are moving forward in a healthy manner. This was my second year of holidays without my Dad. I still get that anxious sadness, but I, too, am able to process it and remember all the good Easters and other holidays. Three Easters ago, my Dad was elated that my son won a $20 in an egg hunt at the rehabilitation center my dad was in. We still smile in fondness about how proud Dad was that Jeremiah got the "big one." :)


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Happy Easter sadrn: I should have went tothe cemetary, i will go next week. Its been a year for you and 5 months for me... Its getting easier for me but i still miss my mom alot and the world is a different place without her.

prayers for you.

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