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This isn't right. I started crying yesterday and I can hardly stop. Moms been gone almost 6 weeks and I can't stop crying. I am running out of money and I don't know what I am going to do. I am so anxious I can't stop shaking. I can't stop crying. I need my mom. She would know what to do. I miss her so much.

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I cry a lot as well and have a lot of anxiety. It's been 11 weeks for me and I just miss her so much. I worry about money and a lot of other things. Your not alone. Sometimes when I am just completely lost I ask my Mom to show me the way and it helps. My sister often asks my Mom questions and answers just come to her head I believe it's my Mom working through her. Hang in there I know what it's like unfortunately I have no idea when it will get better but I am hopeful someday I will be able to manage to cope with this huge loss and huge hole in my heart.

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I'm so sorry to hear that you are having such a difficult time. Its not an easy thing to do, but you need to take care of yourself. I can't offer many words of wisdom, just some of the things that help me get through my days. I have a small house and I have placed pictures of my mom in my 4 main rooms...the kitchen (fridge), living room, office (attached to living room) and my bedroom. I see my mom's face all day everyday. If I walk by her picture, I will blow her a kiss or touch her face. At night when we all say our prayers before bed (we say them aloud and all repeat them together) we include my mom. I always pray to my mom and ask her for help in making it through another day. On a couple of occassions (one recently), I feel that she has come in to check on me.

Please know that you are not alone...we are all here for you! I will keep you in my prayers.

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Sorry to hear you arent doing very well. Dealing with the grief of losing your mother and with financial issues as well must be overwhelming. I think if I were in your position I would come up with a couple of plans on how I would deal with the financial situation. Once you have a plan for that, you can focus on the grieving part and maybe you wont feel as overwhelmed as you do know. I know it is easier said than done and I dont mean to make like of the financial situation you may be in. I will be thinking of you.

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I am so sorry to hear what you are experiencing; I lost my job because I was told I took too much bereavement time when my mom past away and had to relocate to live with a relative, so I understand regarding money. I used to cry every day, but what helped me get through those times; I would think about the happy times we shared. I try not to think about her days with us as being sick; I think about the times when she was well. I also had to get help; I went to a Doctor and was given medication for my depression, anxiety, and not being able to sleep. It is o.k. if you need help in those areas, no one said this would be easy. My prayers are with you

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Daff your going thru normal grieving, i know its hard but it gets easier as time goes on. I am praying for you for strength, acceptence and some happiness to come to you.

Agaston you sound like a very wise person, my mom died 4.5 months ago and after the first 6 weeks i started to feel better, cry less, etc. but it is still very hard at times and the world seems colder somehow. When things go wrong you really miss them.

Blessings for all of us.

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Daff your going thru normal grieving, i know its hard but it gets easier as time goes on. I am praying for you for strength, acceptence and some happiness to come to you.

Agaston you sound like a very wise person, my mom died 4.5 months ago and after the first 6 weeks i started to feel better, cry less, etc. but it is still very hard at times and the world seems colder somehow. When things go wrong you really miss them.

Blessings for all of us.

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Losing someone close to you is hard enough in itself, now if you add to that the stress of worrying about money can cause much harm to your health. Be careful. I agree with Bridelyn, having a plan can help you, not only to get your mind off your mom even for a minute, it will help you refocus and put some things into perspective. It's hard enough grieving a terrible loss to add to that the imbalance and uncertainty of your financial situation. Look into budgeting software and figure out how much money you need to survive, and what you can do to obtain it. We use Mint for our budgeting, check it out, it might be of great use to you.

Hope to hear from you soon,


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