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Loss of my 7 year old son and father


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Hi, I recently lost my 7 year old son and I am having a terrible time coping with his loss. He was full of life and energy. He got a bacterial infection one day at school that caused him to have a seizure in his sleep. He never regained consciousness. 5 months before that , My father passed away from Leukemia. God has left me to find a way to suffer through this unbearable pain.

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Roseman, I am so very sorry for the losses you have had to suffer through. I lost my father 1 1/2yrs ago and my 28yrs old son suddenly 6 months ago. I'm sorry you have been placed on this life changing journey we all now find ourselves on, but I'm glad you found us. Coming here to talk, vent, cry, and even at times laugh with others who understand the pain of loss helps. You are not alone. We all have a different path to follow now but in alot of ways we are all on the same one, we understand. When you feel up to it, please share your son and father with us. There are alot of listening ears in this place. You may also want to post in the loss of adult child thread as there is more activity there. It does not matter the age of your child, all are welcome. Again, I am so sorry for your loss and pain. Hugs and prayers to you. Vivian-Kevin's Mom

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Roseman - I too am so sorry to hear of the loss of your son and father. As Kevin's Mom said, please

come and post as you are able. We all understand your pain, it is that of losing ones so dear to you.

My heart to you.

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I'm so sorry for your loss. I lost my 5-year old daughter on July 6th, 2011 when she drowned in a swimming pool. The sudden and unexpected loss is terrible. I'm still trying to find my way along this journey that I never wanted to take. I keep going every day - mostly for my husband and my surviving children - but also because I know my Charlotte would have wanted me to. I tell myself that her death is PART of my story and not the END of it. I miss her every minute of every day still. Keep going and try to be good to yourself - eat and sleep the best you can.

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Hi, I recently lost my 7 year old son and I am having a terrible time coping with his loss. He was full of life and energy. He got a bacterial infection one day at school that caused him to have a seizure in his sleep. He never regained consciousness. 5 months before that , My father passed away from Leukemia. God has left me to find a way to suffer through this unbearable pain.


I'm so sorry for your losses. Losing a child is something no parent should ever face, but we do, and bump along every day trying to make some sense of it. It's natural to think that God has turned His back on you- why would He let this happen? Why didn't He do something? I have come to realize that God doesn't see this life the way we do. We are shadows here and meant for so much more. I know, with absolute assurance, that I will be with my daughter again, and we will never be separated again. You can have this assurance too.

Please come back and post as much as you want to, post pictures and talk about your son and your dad. You will find the most understanding people here. They have helped me so much and will you, as well.


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Jennifer B May

I know your Pain. I lost My 7 year old son Joseph. on july 5th after our housefire. Two weeks later we lost my grandmother. It was as if the floor and supports had been ripped from my world. I walked threw fire for my boys, I still feel like I failed one of them. You may want to see (forevermissed.com.)

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