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Strange Dreams


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Coming up on the 1 year anniversary of my father's death in April and just recently I have been having really strange, vivid dreams. I had a dream 2 nights ago that I had cancer and was in the hospital and the doctors were trying to figure out what kind of cancer and how advanced it was. Also had a dream that I was running from someone (not sure who) and had to hide at work. Is anyone else having these dreams? I wake up in a panic almost.

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I am. It's been 10 weeks since my Mom passed. Last week I dreamed I had breast cancer that had spread to the bone. My Mom died of what they think is lung cancer that spread to the bone. It spread so quickly they never figured out the origin with my Mom. My dad has horrible nightmares of people chasing him and trying to kill him. I think this must somehow be related to the grief we are experiencing.

Coming up on the 1 year anniversary of my father's death in April and just recently I have been having really strange, vivid dreams. I had a dream 2 nights ago that I had cancer and was in the hospital and the doctors were trying to figure out what kind of cancer and how advanced it was. Also had a dream that I was running from someone (not sure who) and had to hide at work. Is anyone else having these dreams? I wake up in a panic almost.

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I had dreams where someone was trying to kill me and I ran and tried to hide. Someone told me to confront the person in the dream and say "what do you want!" Really scream at him in your dream and the dreams won't happen as often. It worked for me. Hope this helps.

As far as dreaming about the disease, I think that is perfectly normal during and way after the grieving process. I hate dreams. Most of mine are very upsetting or sad. I expecially hate them right before I wake in the morning. I cry.

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I thought the strange dreams were just me. I haven't had dreams (at least not that I can remember having) since my son passed 6 months ago. I thought it must be the meds I've been on. Then about 1 1/2 weeks ago I started to have strange dreams. Always I'm looking desparetly for something I can't find. Everything around me is in a mess, nothing looks right. I'm begining to wonder if it's my minds way of trying to make sense of my son being gone and the feeling of something lost I can't get back.

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The morning of my moms passing although she was still alive barely, i tried to wake up and couldn't i kept seeing a colorful rainbow. I am convinced this was my mothers way of saying goodbye or some type of message. I never ever had that before. It was transcended.

Mom i loved you so much and miss you. Prayers for everyone.

Yesterday i did not feel well, today feeling ok.

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The day after my dad pass, almost 2 yrs ago, my husband yelled at me to come outside. I really didn't want to cause it was starting to rain, but he insisted. So glad I did. Right outside my front door I saw a perfect double rainbow.You could see the begining and end of it hit the ground. I believe it was my dad saying he and my father-in-law, who passed the year before were together and were happy. It was the most beautiful and amazing thing I had ever seen. I had never seen one before or since. I think rainbows are signs from loved ones to let us know they are ok and love us.

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