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Well, you've come to the right place to make some friends. Do yyou feel like sharing your story?


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Mom died a little over a month ago. I have brothers who have their own families and they rarely contact me. I have an aunt who is 80. Mom was my rock and I am very lonely without her. Even though she had Alzheimer’s I still feel very lonely without her.

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I completely understand. My sister is married with her own family, my brother has his fiance, my dad is off dating multiple people (a whole other issue). I feel like no one misses her like I do, and even then, they have their built in support system. No one talks about mom.

I only tell my friends that I miss her.

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Daff, its going to take time, give it another couple of weeks at least to get your bearings, I was a mess for 6 weeks or so, then slowly i started coming out of it.

Try to keep busy, nothing i say will fix it but just trying to make you feel better, you have to work through this grief. its awful isn't it? I know, 4 months 1 week here, i cry less now, but still cry and miss her sooo soo much. She was all i had.

Try to have a nice day.


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I feel the same I have my kids, husband, and dad but still feel so alone. No one will ever be able to replace my beautiful Mom and the loneliness and hole will always be there I guess I just have to learn how to cope with it. I am not coping well now after 10 weeks but I hope someday to do better. Hang in there and HUGS to you!

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Tonight i went to the gym was alright, sat in sauna, then an overwhelming lonliness came over me when i went shopping to targe on rt 3 near the meadownlands race track for those not in NJ. Well i just sat in my car and cried and said, I am not important to anyone anymore. It was just mom and me and i am feeling sorry for myself. This is horrible...

I know if i get a job, i will miss her. I have missed her since she broke my heart with her stroke 3 years ago as she struggled with her parkinsons and said to me, "Go go, live your life" I was always there for her when i could be and now i feel this huge hole. Unlike most of you guys i have no one and most of my friends have moved to other states.

So i can only hope to get a decent job. I used to sit in the university computer center till late at night hanging around with friends out there, now then came back to NJ for mom and no she is gone from me and i am so alone, i just don't know how to handle this.

What kind of life is this being all alone, not much of one.. My heart has gone with her and i feel like a stone.

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