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9 Months


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Yesterday was the 9 month anniversary of my moms death. It feels like it was just yesterday that we buried her. Will the pain ever stop? How can someone so strong be taken from our lives just like that?

I love and miss you mom!

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tate1, I'm sorry for your loss. I lost my dad almost 2 yrs ago and my son Kevin almost 6 months ago. The pain does lessen in time but I don't know that it ever stops, just gets a bit easier to bare. My dad was 82 and had a full and active life. He told my mom he had no regreats and was happy. I guess that made it better some how when he was called home. I still miss him and always will but I'm ok with it. Memories of him bring a smile to my face. As for my son, well that's a different story all together. Hugs and prayers of comfort to you. Vivian-Kevin's Mom

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I understand how you feel. It has been 4 weeks since my mom died and I cry every day and want her by my side. I met with a minister yesterday and she asked me what my mom would want me to be doing right now. Mom knows I need to grieve, but she also knows that I will be just fine. She misses me, but doesn't need me right now. That was hard for me to hear, but it is true. Someday I will be with mom again. At that time everything will be right. I hope this is making sense.

Grieving can take many months to work through. I want the pain to stop, but I have to let myself remember the bad and well as the good. Hang in there. We are all here for you and each other.

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I can relate, I lost my mother on June 21, 2011, and my days are still grim. I go through my daily activities like a robot; I am currently not working and I do not want to deal with the outside world right now. What keeps me motivated is my daughter; I know I have to keep going because of her and my mom made me promise not to lose myself because she needed me. I totally understand and some days it does not seem real; I will think about my mom being gone and my heart will drop. I will keep you in my prayers.

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