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Scattering my sister and BIL's ashes today


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We have about 13 family members coming from all over the state at a restaurant that maybe seats 8 in the center, 4 to a table on the sides, plus two more meeting at the park...and everyone hasn't responded if they're coming to the restaurant or not.  Communication is hard with this group.

I have had an extremely stressful week, four days of being on the phone all day with old internet provider, new one, straightening out everything that has been botched, it's unreal!  They're coming out Tuesday to hopefully fix it.  And now this.  

I can only ask that those who do so, pray for me.  It's going to be a hard day.  I am the only one that understood and love/d my BIL, he was closer than my brother and in my life for 50 years!  He took such good care of Peggy in her old age, and I know how hard that must have been because I did it for the 1 1/2 years after he died.  3/28/22 Peggy died.  Still missing her every day.  Bert was my rock.  I miss them both so much.


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We had 18 show up.  I was the only one that said anything about them.

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The scattering went okay, 18 of us, Mick's kids were all nice (never knew aside from FB) everyone there but Dana and Jordan. Disappointed in Julie, I spoke a bit about Peggy, who everyone knew and loved, but I shared about Bert, he was my brother for 50 years, the one I could count on, so I shared three instances he was there for me, he had a heart of gold, just a rough exterior, and I heard Julie disgustingly muttering loudly and shaking her head, it was pure hate and very disrespectful.  It shook me so bad I forgot to mention his accepting the Lord two weeks before he died, which I'd wanted to tell about. :( Oh well, God knows, and Peggy too, and I too will always cherish him in my heart.

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Thank you for this, Sim, I needed someone to understand and care.

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I'm sorry you have had such a hard day. Take some comfort that people wanted to be there.

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