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Strange Dream


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I fell asleep aboujt 8:30 and woke up at midnight and have been up ever since. But that is the most I have slept since Robert died. It is now 5am and I wanted to share the dream I had. I have always had very strange dreams after I have had to be around my ex in-laws. It takes alot out of me. I try very hard not to hate them. And over the years I did get over the hatred I felt for them. But it has come back very strong since Robert died. Because Rober died because he was seeking what I gave him, which was unconditional love. It was not enough that I gave it to him (he told me that I am the only one in his life that has ever given him unconditional love), but he so wanted it from his grandparents. But he knew and I knew that they are incapable of doing that because then they would loose control over everything. Anyway here is my dream:

I am in this house but its not like a house but like a big hugh rooms and I know that lots of people(families) are going to live their. I see my ex-mother-in-law taking over telling people where to put this or that and having the construction people so what she says. Then I am in a big room that I know is where I am going to live with my kids. My kids are young. It was Robert and the other kids I did not recognize at all. They were in the bath tub and all of a sudden the water was coming out this ugly brown color with stuff in it. Really it looked like diarrehia and puke combined together. I told the kids to het out and Robert then put his head under the uckie water. Then the scene changed to me trying to get the place cleaned and their was so much stuff that needed to be gotten rid of (these stupid big stuffed animals and toys that were broken) then I am in a masive kitchen and somebody ( and I remember that it was a kid) had started to cut the head of a fish the size of a big hand. It was still alive so I found some good water and tried to save it. Then I woke up. Ain't that weird?

I had all the folders with all the documents and things that I had printed out (my sons Facebook page) and anything and everything that people had said to me or others about Robert. And the papers were scattered all over the floor and I just was frantic and could not get them back into the folder no matter how much I tried. Just needed to add that.

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Linda,I know absolutely nothing about dream interpretation. So this is merely my thoughts of what it could mean.I thought perhaps the large house you were all in signified the controlling behavior of your inlaws. It show your motherinlaw was the one on charge because she was the one giving instructions to the workers. You and your children were helplessly under her contol because you were living under her domain. Water is something we expect to be pure and clean.....hence, we also expect a grandparent,or grandmother's love to be. The water represented the corrupted love the inlaws give, and Robert succumbed to it. He succumbed to it as a child, and that is when you had begun to try to protect him from the corrupt, controlling love.

The next part of the dream.....I have no thoughts on what that could mean.

The next part.....the loss of the documents concerning Robert and his death. Documents that were sure to be treasured by you and comforted by. You felt you were losing control of even this perhaps.......as you were under your mother inlaws roof and you were fighting to maintain an order and truth to his death....yet they threatened even that.

Like I said.....I know absolutely nothing about dreams........just my humble thoughts on the possibilities.


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