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My dad is now with my son


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I jst had another loss. just lost my dad. He is up there with my 29 year old son Rob. Heaven will never be the same. My father had a great sense of humor and told lots of jokes clean and dirty. Mostly dirty.

I know that they will both have a blast up there I sure hope thay behave I am gonna miss my dad so much bt he had 84 yrs and my son had 29 At least I made it to Budaapest Hungary in May even though he had stage 4 cancer diagnosed 2 years ago He had such a strong will to live. May he and my son rest in peace till i meet them again I appreciate any prayers sent my way

Forever Robs Mom

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I am so sorry for the loss of your Dad Rob's Mom. It sounds like you really enjoyed him and had a wonderful relationship. I will pray for you and your family to get through this difficult time and be comforted. I am sure Rob has greeted and is enjoying his grandfather already :-)Hugs,Maddy

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