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how do you know


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How do you know when your coping with a loss instead of hiding it in four days it will be a month since i lost my baby girl to stillbirth at first i thought that i was doing good im not a basketcase or having to take nerve pills like i was first few days unless i would say her name or think about her or talk to other people about what happened then i realized im not that way because im not talking about her or saying her name or looking at the few pictures i have of her i feel like im covering up everything that has to do with her like im moving forward without dealing with the past/present i cant even bring myself to go to her grave and talk to her or talk to my husband or family about her im so lost

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Hello Becky, I am very sorry for your loss. You are heartbroken , grieving for your sweet baby girl and at times, sometimes for many months we walk through a fog with heavy hearts, shattered dreams that we held for our children and ourselves. Someone wrote that grief and the manner in which we live and feel through it is like the layers of a onion. Many layers. Some new and different. Some the same but each a necessary step. I can only guess as to why you feel you are not dealing with your baby girls death . Let me say first, that there is no correct way for one person. In my case and maybe in yours, people lack the understanding of the depth of our grief. Its awful hard to convey to others. Maybe you need to talk to people that understand. We are here. Most of us gather at “loss of an adult child”. Don't worry about the title. We have baby angels too. Another site I found helpful was created by a member that lost his son, just go to “neverlosefaith.com”. You can post a picture here or at that site if you wish. You can talk to us about your baby girl and we will listen. Maybe Becky, you need someone to listen to you.

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