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missing him


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so every time a commercial came on today it had something to do with weddings and now I am up late thinking about how excited we were for our wedding I just keep thinking about how I pictured the day for us for our families and I get really depressed that that day will never happen. I miss him so much it is so lonely and so hard to get out of bed everyday. I just miss him so much it has been over a month since he passed and I find my self even more distraught. Everything makes it so glaring painful that he is not here.

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not going to lie it gets much worse, before it gets alittle better. It's almost 9 months for me since i lost my husband of 13 yrs. First couple months are more of a shock phase, you are pretty numb. as months go on u realize that this is reality and that is when the pain starts. i try to do things everyday to remember him. light a candle, talk to him. dont be to hard on yourself if you have a hard time doing things you did before, they may come back little by little as time goes on. i went 7 months without cooking dinner it was just to upsetting it was something we always did together. take care and remember try not to think ahead just do things one day at a time.

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First couple months are more of a shock phase, you are pretty numb. as months go on u realize that this is reality and that is when the pain starts.

I lost my boyfriend,love of my life a few weeks back.The surprising thing is that i am not shedding tears over it.I am a very emotional person and used to cry a lot whenever i used to miss him,when we were together.I don't understand why do i feel so numb now.I feel as if this is not happening,that this is not real.I am not able to believe and accept it.And still,most of the times I feel terrible.But I guess the worst paart is yet to come.I havent yet started to realize what has happened.

try not to think ahead just do things one day at a time.

Ya,even passing one day without him seems to be a difficult task.Just living a day is all that i can try for at this stage.

how excited we were for our wedding I just keep thinking about how I pictured the day for us for our families and I get really depressed that that day will never happen. I miss him so much it is so lonely and so hard to get out of bed everyday.

The dreams we had,of marriage,kids,family...ya they pain the most.

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