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Very emotional


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MOM has been gone for 4 weeks now and.finally got her.funeral expenses paid in full. This weekend.they are going to cremate her and have found myself very emotional. Just the thought that her physical body will no longer be here is to much. Knowing I will never see her body/face again for the rest of my life makes me very safe and emotional and is more than I can take.

I miss her so much.... I just sat in her room.numerous times today and sobbed uncontrollable and said "Momma please help me, I just can't do this without you"

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MOM has been gone for 4 weeks now and.finally got her.funeral expenses paid in full. This weekend.they are going to cremate her and have found myself very emotional. Just the thought that her physical body will no longer be here is to much. Knowing I will never see her body/face again for the rest of my life makes me very safe and emotional and is more than I can take.

I miss her so much.... I just sat in her room.numerous times today and sobbed uncontrollable and said "Momma please help me, I just can't do this without you"

Linda Lee,

I am so very sorry about the loss of your mother. I will be thinking of you today. May you find the strength you need to move forward little by little. Your mother may not be here physically, but you will always have a part of her with you. You are a part of her that will continue to carry on her legacy.

Wishing you strength and hope,


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MOM has been gone for 4 weeks now and.finally got her.funeral expenses paid in full. This weekend.they are going to cremate her and have found myself very emotional. Just the thought that her physical body will no longer be here is to much. Knowing I will never see her body/face again for the rest of my life makes me very safe and emotional and is more than I can take.

I miss her so much.... I just sat in her room.numerous times today and sobbed uncontrollable and said "Momma please help me, I just can't do this without you"

Linda Lee,

I am so very sorry about the loss of your mother. I will be thinking of you today. May you find the strength you need to move forward little by little. Your mother may not be here physically, but you will always have a part of her with you. You are a part of her that will continue to carry on her legacy.

Wishing you strength and hope,


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Thank you ModKinnie I have taken care of my mom on and off for 18 years as she needed me. My.whole life was centered around.caring.for mom.now she is.gone I.feel.so lost. I miss hearing her voice, holding my hand, seeing her smile.when I walked in the room our little silly intimate sayings to.each other. I never imagined it.would be this.difficult

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All I do is cry and feel my boyfriend is getting tired of it. I try hard to keep it bottled down and just go to moms room and sit talk and sob.

How do I ever pick up my life and go on without her

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All I do is cry and feel my boyfriend is getting tired of it. I try hard to keep it bottled down and just go to moms room and sit talk and sob.

How do I ever pick up my life and go on without her

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Linda Read this little poem, it is so true and its funny too. Slowly but surely you will start to heal, we all go at our own pace. You like me don't want to believe we were so close to our mothers, I woke up last night and cried for all the change im going through and had a dream my mother was right next to me, i could almost touch her.

Read this poem: And remember everyone gets a turn at losing a mom, my mom could have lived longer had she not been in a nursing home and that bothers me alot. Try to have a nice day as i will too. I have decisions to make and I just want my mother back too.

Good Afternoon: I wanted to share this. At the age of 3 we say, "Mommy I love you." At 14 years we say, "ok Mom whatever." 18 years we say, "My mom is so annoying. I am leaving this house." At 21 years we say,"Mom you were right." At 30 years

we say," I want to go to mom's house." At 50 we say "I hope I don't lose mom." At 70 years we say, " I would give anything to have my mom here with me." You only have one mom. I love you MOM.

The last one is where we are at. Blessings to you, keep warm and have a safe day. I hope I can heal from all this also..... Its soo hard I know. I feel scared some days just realizing she isn't here. I try to stay focused, etc.

Wishing you a warm honey blessed day.

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Linda I hope everything went ok, did you go to indiana? I am on the www.experienceproject.com also its a great site to post stories and meet new people with fun things to do on it. Try it. Hope you find peace, love and light throughout your healing process.

Praying for everyone in here.

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I fly out on.Tuesday and the funeral.services will be next Saturday. Debbie have you decided what you are going to do?

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No Linda I went and looked at rentals all day today, living with other people is not like having your own place and I just want to run and hide.

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Since being laid off my landlord has said he is starting paperwork to evict me. Just another thing yo.make me wanna say 'Why.even.try"......

I did.have 2 interviews this week.and they both went really well. Mom urn.was delivered.to put her ashes in.and I fly out Tuesday for Indiana for moms funeral services. As tuesdays gets closer and.closer the more.anxiety I.seem.to have

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Oh gosh Linda: what are you going to do now if they evict you? Maybe this is an omen for a new start. I will pray for an answer for you. I am stalling today moving into my new place with 3 complete strangers but it is in a nice area right near where mom lived for the past 7 years. Later i will end up somewhere else. For now it will have to do. I feel anxiety and don't want to go but the car is all packed. They seem polite enough, but guys can be very messy. lol

Anyway I hope your coming along and finding challenges sometimes get you to make new decisions. After all we are new people after a parent goes we have to grow up quickly and its very hard.

I will pray for you in the next few weeks and for myself also that i settle in ok without any strange stuff going on... I wll keep my moms picture close and look at it when i need to. My classes start in a few days hopefully that will keep my mind busy.

Praying for you for light peace, direction hope and love.


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Oh gosh Linda: what are you going to do now if they evict you? Maybe this is an omen for a new start. I will pray for an answer for you. I am stalling today moving into my new place with 3 complete strangers but it is in a nice area right near where mom lived for the past 7 years. Later i will end up somewhere else. For now it will have to do. I feel anxiety and don't want to go but the car is all packed. They seem polite enough, but guys can be very messy. lol

Anyway I hope your coming along and finding challenges sometimes get you to make new decisions. After all we are new people after a parent goes we have to grow up quickly and its very hard.

I will pray for you in the next few weeks and for myself also that i settle in ok without any strange stuff going on... I wll keep my moms picture close and look at it when i need to. My classes start in a few days hopefully that will keep my mind busy.

Praying for you for light peace, direction hope and love.


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I gi back and forth about moving on one hand this is where mom died and feel close to her then on the other hand maybe living in a place that there aren't any memories of her will be good too.

I am taking one day at a time.

Hope your move goes.well and.once your classes start that will be a good distraction.


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