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I lost my best friend without warning


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On Tuesday 9th Feb, I saw a movie with my best friend Cliff and he died that night. I am so lost and confused how this could happen, I keep thinking he was fine! HE WAS FINE! He was laughing with me and we were planning an upcoming trip and was going to check his gaming system from his disability funding with NDIS (in aus).

We were doing escape rooms and he was going to see my place for the first time and meet my puppy Shanty. He was only 33. Mum says it most likely his condition Cerebal Palsy. I just... he was one of the few people who understood and loved horror movies, he never judged me if I have to cancel plans due to medical stuff or just not being up to things, because he had his own medical needs.

He couldn't communicate verbally but I still understood everything he was telling me, it was as if we had own language. He was too young, he had so much more things he wished to do. How does someone just..go to sleep and not wake up?! Why did God take away my best friend? Doesnt God know how much I need Cliff? Just why.

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So sorry that you lost your friend Cliff.  It's really hard when someone goes suddenly and you have absolutely no time to prepare.  I have lost a few friends that way.  I hope you can figure out ways to honor his memory, and what he meant to you, whether it be writing, creating something or doing an activity that he would have appreciated.  My 'lost friends' are no longer with me physically, but I am aware of who they were to me, what they gave to me, and still think about them often. 

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