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Loss of my baby boy, 15 year old Jared

JD's Mom, Becky

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JD's Mom, Becky


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Dear JDs MOM

Welcome to our family I am so very sorry for the tragic loss of your precious son, Jared . I viewed you r beautiful tribute to such a bright handsome young man and was touched by his grace and the love you shared.

I lost my only child, Stephen 4 years ago and coming to this wonderful site helped to restore me to some semblance of sanity. This is a difficult road we travel and sharing this with others, who understand really is so important. Many parents post to the Loss of Adult Child Board so that next time you post, :Click on that section and then click "Reply" you will be welcomed by many who can sustain you during this very difficult time

Thanks for sharing your heart today.

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JD's Mom, Becky


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JD's Mom

Glad you found us, but not glad you lost your son. I too lost our 16 year old son when he decided to climb on the hood of a car and his friend decided to drive 68 mph in a 25 mph zone. The driver lost control and Brian flew off the hood, hit the ground and died within minutes.

This scene is 1/4 mile from our home. We did not drive out our subdivision that way for a while.

We know it is hard. I know what you are going through and all I can say is take it one day, one hour, one minute or one breath at a time. One day, some light will show through in the form of not thinking about the death of your son, but thinking about his life. Those tiny moments will turn into longer time and that is how we get through this.

Take care my friend.

Colleen, Brian's Mother Forever

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