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Mother suddenly passed


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Life is so unfair. My mother had been battling interstitial lung disease for two years, and this morning she left this earthly world for the afterlife. She had been staying in a rehabilitation hospital to help her get stronger and be approved for a lung transplant. She was eligible and feeling stronger every single day. This morning at 5 am the hospital called me and told me that her oxygen level was 45% and I needed to come and say goodbye. I miss her so much already and When I arrived she was already almost gone. I told her that I loved her and that I would take care of her dog and the rest of my family and siblings and that it was ok for her to let go. She left this world about 15 minutes later. I know she is no longer suffering and I am so grateful for that. It’s just so hard to suddenly let go and I don’t think anyone is ever ready to say goodbye. I am so worried that she didn’t know I was there and felt alone. It’ll take a while to come to terms with the possibility that she may not have known someone who loves her deeply was there by her side. Any help, comments, encouragement is appreciated. 

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Im so sorry for your loss im at the moment in similar situation about to fly home hoping i will still manage to speak with my mum who is fighting for her life. Also lung condition 😢 

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She knew you were there. My mother passed almost 2 wks. I worried if she knew we were there or not. People tell me she knew and heard us. I find comfort in that. So terribly sorry for your loss.

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I’m so sorry for the loss of your beautiful Mom. You take your time with your emotions.  I know I hated people telling me what to do after she passed. The whole day was horrible- Jan 29, 2019. My Dad went into funeral plan mode and my middle sister started planning. He had us report by 10am to the unwrap home and she passed near 3am.

No one yelled and screamed and fell. I did - I hurt and hurt and then I went along with them. I never got the chance to really stop. I was there each day of her illness and she passed when all of us left. Congestive Heart Failure and Intestinal Disease. It’s been four years tomorrow. My Prayers r with u always. 

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My deepest condolences for your loss.  I feel and understand your sadness.  I lost my mother 3 months ago.

This is what I have experienced in my pain.  Your experience may be different.  Take what would be useful for you.

Listen to your body.  If you need to cry, cry.  If you need to eat, eat.  If you need to get out of the house, try to get out of the house.

Lean on those who you need.  Different people may support you in different ways.  Try and lean on those you can trust.

Be gentle with yourself.  If going about the day at 60% is what you can do, do it at 60%.  If it can wait, allow those things go.


I wish you healing and respite in the upcoming days, weeks and months without your mom.  Please take care.

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Amen 🙏 I agree.  I have a different percentage each day. Some days I can give more and do a lot and some days I need to be filled or encouraged. On some days, I need to be quiet and not move.  Well we all are here for each other and I wish I would have found this forum before.  I am thankful now.  It’s not a club you want to be in but it’s wonderful to have people like me who understand and care. I felt peace today bc I saw this today.  It was meant for me to see.  

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i miss my mother like many other here. words are not enough. sometimes i just take the car and roam on roads for nothing. i almost went to medium just to know ( even though i never believed in these mediums ), some how i decided not to go. but sadness not easy to deal with

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Utterly Bereft
On 1/22/2023 at 4:24 PM, DanielleABrown said:

Life is so unfair. My mother had been battling interstitial lung disease for two years, and this morning she left this earthly world for the afterlife. She had been staying in a rehabilitation hospital to help her get stronger and be approved for a lung transplant. She was eligible and feeling stronger every single day. This morning at 5 am the hospital called me and told me that her oxygen level was 45% and I needed to come and say goodbye. I miss her so much already and When I arrived she was already almost gone. I told her that I loved her and that I would take care of her dog and the rest of my family and siblings and that it was ok for her to let go. She left this world about 15 minutes later. I know she is no longer suffering and I am so grateful for that. It’s just so hard to suddenly let go and I don’t think anyone is ever ready to say goodbye. I am so worried that she didn’t know I was there and felt alone. It’ll take a while to come to terms with the possibility that she may not have known someone who loves her deeply was there by her side. Any help, comments, encouragement is appreciated. 

Mothers always know.


I am sorry for your loss.

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Utterly Bereft
On 1/28/2023 at 7:51 AM, JadaHerme201920 said:

I’m so sorry for the loss of your beautiful Mom. You take your time with your emotions.  I know I hated people telling me what to do after she passed. The whole day was horrible- Jan 29, 2019. My Dad went into funeral plan mode and my middle sister started planning. He had us report by 10am to the unwrap home and she passed near 3am.

No one yelled and screamed and fell. I did - I hurt and hurt and then I went along with them. I never got the chance to really stop. I was there each day of her illness and she passed when all of us left. Congestive Heart Failure and Intestinal Disease. It’s been four years tomorrow. My Prayers r with u always. 

My thoughts are with you on this anniversary.  

I am sorry for your loss.

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