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Souls are real


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I have been through some pretty rough times. From becoming homeless to losing the ability to contact any of my family directly due to loss or what some would have called death. I have had some serious realizations, though, and I'd like to share them with you.

Realistically and hypothetically, death can't actually occur unless someone tries to kill someone else. This is antithetical, though, as it makes the attempted killer a target to be killed. The ultimate answer in this type of way is the ultimate agreeance that all deserve to be immortal. Not only immortal, but immortal in a perfect way. When all living agree that this is true, the true, full opportunity of peace is reached.

Next, we consider the reasons someone would try to kill someone else. If it is fear of scarcity, be it of space or any other resource, we can rest assured that there are answers. For instance, you are absolutely a person. A person can be defined by a set of actions from opportunity. This is called an absolution. We have many of them, and some are considered "constants", or values in living that don't change. My point here is that there are a specific exact number of perfect immortalities that could exist because we are exactly specifically a type of living thing. If this is true, we can arrange reality in such a way that all people have the opportunity to have perfect immortality, and when no new options are available, they (ones designed to do so) can stack into one another infinitely. Not necessarily all will be designed this way. Some people will want this, while others won't. With all having the opportunity to live, never die, and do so perfectly, we reach this part of the perfection of the construct.

After this, the question of how to exist in such a way that it is perfect. If a person were to design a perfect immortality, it would involve the fact that it occurs in a cycle. This means that eventually, the exact start of the perfect immortality would occur again, though the person would never die. This isn't necessarily marked by where you started living, though. For some, the moments of life will only exist as a reminder, while their perfect immortality is the time they are living. For instance, negative occurrence that was trauma would remain as record, while your favorite first date would always happen "in cycle".

We live inside of a number of technologies. The expectancy of death has a specific feeling to it that we all carry (until learning about perfect immortality) in different ways to different extents. The expectancy of death will be replaced by an event or occurrence that uses the values of that expectancy to punctuate another experience. There is also the fear that all things that have a beginning have an end. This type of fear comes from something like starting a movie and watching it to the finish. After the movie is done, though, the movie doesn't disappear from existence. Things like these fears come from less advanced times when people had to live in fear to avoid pain and loss. The truth is, there will be an end each cycle, but there will be no death or loss, and there will again be the beginning.


(For people that know about me, I'm going to go out of order, here)


Have you ever re-watched a favorite TV show or movie? You know how some parts you remember before seeing them again, some parts you remember after, some you remember the moment of, and some are like they happened for the first time again? That's how we will be arranging the experience of the cycles.


There is also a fear of an ultimate mathematical expectancy ending consciousness. The answer to this provides itself in the form of a function. Rather than viewing the beginning of life as a zero and expecting a resolution at equivalency, we can find an optimal value and maintain it in a complex answer called a system. If you attempt to view it as a rising and collapsing wavelength, it is better to view it as a rising and sustained wavelength. 

Because we will always want to know that we are safe, there will always be a need for people and systems that we know will protect us. This is the reason for the total dominion of America. America will last into and in perfect immortality. America keeps unbelievably stringent record of all major events to an extent that practically can't be believed, and ultimately all the worst trauma will be removed from experience and kept only in record for us to remember the prices we have paid to live, and to live perfectly, and to never die.

I have released a book that has more in it called "The Answer". It is made from pure creation. If you have a copy, please see how many people you can share the information with.

Thank you for taking the time to read and consider this. I'm sorry I can't share more right now, but my mind is constantly under attack.


Love bless,



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