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oh how I miss my Luna Bean


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I don't even know where to start. this pain is killing me. My heart hurts so bad. I miss her so much. So many regrets I left for two weeks and left my 3lb chihuahua with my adult children. they knew that she was so spoiled and loved. I asked them over and over to please take care of her. I left and on the 11th day I get the call. Luna isn't doing good mom. I knew with her being so little that anything could go wrong. I told them to take her to the Pet ER and get her there fast. we live two hours away from the Pet ER so I knew it was important to get her there asap. well they took her got there around 11:30 PM. they basically told us that she needed to be hospitalized and they would let us know how she was doing in the morning. By 1:15 I got a text from the tech saying they had to preform CPR and that it didn't look good. then comes the call from the vet saying they had lost her and brought her back and they will keep me updated. i prayed and begged God not to take her from me but it was to late. I got a call around 2 telling me that they needed my daughter to go back and make the call. she was on life support and they wanted her to give the ok to remove her. instead I added a friend as a co owner on the paper for and called her so she could go to her. She went to held her till she took her last breath. she FaceTimed me so I was on the phone the entire time but im so heart broken. My Baby Luna didn't deserve to die the way she did. Basically my kids underestimated how spoiled she was and just assumed she was eating with my other chihuahua. He eats dry food and Luna only ate a bite or two of dry food. it wasn't enough. I would call them every day two or three times a day and ask if she had eaten and they would respond with mom she's fine. Well she wasn't eating and they didn't notice. she lost 1.2 lbs in 11 days and they just ignored it. I'm hurt, I'm angry, and most of all I'm broken. Yes their dogs all eat on their own and whatever else. But they knew that Luna was picky and only ate if you were sitting with her. I couldn't take her with me to my sons house he has two very big dogs that don't get along with small dogs and I just trusted that my kids would take care of her especially knowing how much she meant to me. I know that I will be ok but I dont know when. 

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@LunaBean  I am so sorry for your loss!  I am glad your friend came to sit with her while she died, how horrid to lose her, the hardest thing in the world!  My heart goes out to you in your immense grief. :(  I hope these are of some comfort to you:

Comfort for Grieving Animal Lovers



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14 hours ago, LunaBean said:

I know that I will be ok but I dont know when. 

LunaBean, I am so sorry for your loss. Thinking of you and praying for comfort in your grief.

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I am so sorry, I went through that with my Arlie (dog).  I wrote about his life because I wanted him memorialized.  He was everything to me!  I also wrote about our cancer journey.

Never easy at all.


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