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My Daughter Nicole


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My daughter Nicole was found badly beaten, raped and murdered last week and I have my faith but it’s heartbreaking and shocking., Crying 😭 014021A9-3BF3-41C8-8A56-1F2BAE3D1350.jpeg.d1421c4a8727c8c99cb3c85f672c5019.jpeging 

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Oh my, I am so sorry, and I lost my son on the 22nd, to illness and I thought that was hard.  I am so sorry.  If its any consolation, the other night, I woke up from a deep sleep, and my sons voice said "dad its OK, I'm OK" and it was gone.  So I am going to cling to that and believe it was actually him, and he is OK.  So if he is OK, I am certain Nicole is OK too.  It doesn't make it right, it won't bring her back, but at least you know she is safe and she is OK now.  I am here if you want to talk to me or if you think I can help somehow, our situations are different, but we both lost adult children and that hurts no matter how we lost them.  If I can be of any help to you in anyway- please reach out to me.  I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.  Mark 

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Thank You mark , that was a beautiful sign he gave you.. letting you know he’s okay, my faith tells me she’s okay ~ I had a dream I saw her laying there dead and some crazy guy was sitting in the corner acting high and I grabbed her body and walked out 

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I just cant even imagine----we moved to massachusetts in 1984- I went to college.  my son was 2.  He learned to talk there---and always had a boston accent.  so did my daughter- she was an infant.  We stayed in a hotel on the 495 for 2 months waiting for our condo to be ready.  It was snowing one night- we got back late- about midnight.  I went to the front desk, my wife, son and daughter went to the room and I was there doing whatever I had to do and the fire alarm went off.  I immediately knew, "My son did that".  So the entire hotel had to be evacuated---in the snow, at midnight, there were people outside in underwear, in no clothes, just a sheet, or obviously hastily dressed---inside out shirt etc.  I remember going up the stairs and a fireman was coming down, and he said "hey you have to evacuate---some kid set the alarm off but we still have to be sure"    Trust me---I didn't say it was my kid.  

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On 12/26/2022 at 12:16 PM, lisaAnne said:

My daughter Nicole was found badly beaten, raped and murdered last week and I have my faith but it’s heartbreaking and shocking., Crying 😭 014021A9-3BF3-41C8-8A56-1F2BAE3D1350.jpeg.d1421c4a8727c8c99cb3c85f672c5019.jpeging 

My heart goes out to you she was so beautiful I'm praying for you 💖🙏

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My heart goes out to you during this incredibly difficult time. It's understandable that you're feeling a mix of emotions, including heartbreak and shock. Remember to lean on your loved ones for support and take the time to grieve and heal. In terms of ensuring safety and security, you may want to consider looking into professional security guard services. They can provide an extra layer of protection and peace of mind. You can find reputable security companies in your area that offer trained personnel to help safeguard your home and surroundings.

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My dear LisaAnne,    My sincere condolences.   I do not know how you will be coping with what has happened to Nicole - it must be torturous.

I lost my own adult son , David , over 6 years ago - I find support and understanding with a group on this site - ‘ loss of an adult child’  - if you think that it could help you in any way then please join us there.      Press my name badge, the blue C and you will see the group there and go to the last page

I hope to speak with you again .   Comfort to you.    Roz x

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