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ADC Rankings


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I remain skeptical of ADC as I am well aware of how the mind can be manipulated by the owners life experiences and emotions. I have however had a few experiences that fit different ADC categories and cannot explain them. Keeping in mind how susceptible humans are to perception of their experiences I ranked my ADC experiences by what I think are most likely to least probable. Having said that I also consider the bias factor related to awareness. For example if you have a passion for collecting a specific make and model of car your mind is probably very attuned to picking out that car out of all the others on the road.  Therefore if you believe in ADC and are influenced by someone's death then it's likely you would attribute a seemingly unexplainable event to ADC. Also, I think the context under which the ADC is experienced comes into play. For instance was the visual ADC while you were sleeping or awake?

Altogether I think I have had 5 what could be called ADC events that I am aware of, 1 auditory, 2 touch, 2 dream. I rank the dream ADC’s at the bottom as your mind is basically out of control while you are sleeping and is influenced by all kinds of stimuli. The two in that category happened 30 years apart and two different people were the subjects. The first event occurred in  1991. I saw my grandfather in a dream. I could only see him from the waist up in a white shirt and much younger than the last time I had seen him. He was in front of a black background. In the dream he said, “I’m okay”. That was it. A couple days later my mother called and said that he had passed away. I hadn’t seen or talked to him in 5 or 6 years and I was living in Hawaii at the time. He was in Kentucky. The second dream ADC occurred last month. In the dream I was with a woman that I loved dearly. It was extremely vivid and linear unlike the Picaso or Dali type dreams I have where events are random and distorted. I even remember asking in the dream if it was real. She passed away two years ago.

The 2 touch ADC's happened a couple weeks ago. I don't give them much credibility as sometimes your body can challenge your mind for top spot on the weirdness scale. I was sitting at my computer in our home office and my wife stood in the doorway as she told me about something that happened earlier in the day. In the middle of her story I felt something like someone poked me slowly in the back with their finger. I turned to our cat that was sitting on the desk because I had my back to her but she was too far away to have done it. The second event was that same evening. As I was getting in bed it felt like someone ran their finger down the same side of my back that I had felt the poke. That one kind of spooked me. I didn't have muscle spasms and there was nothing I was wearing or doing that could have caused a similar sensation.

The auditory ADC happened almost 2 years ago. This I have no explanation for and if ADC's are real then this one gets the prize. I was home watching TV and a female voice shouted my name. The instant it happened I thought my mom had just died because of the dream ADC I had 30 years earlier about my grandfather. I quickly dismissed it as she was in the hospital but not for anything life threatening. So I got up and looked around the house because I thought maybe my wife had come home early from a Christmas dinner with her friends. No, she wasn't home. I consciously took note of what was on TV and there was nothing going on or characters whose names were remotely close to mine. Also, the shout didn't come from the direction of the TV it was kind of everywhere. 3 days later I was at the hospital visiting my mother. She was asleep when I got there so I sat on the couch in her room and checked my messages. There was one from a woman I worked with. She was friends with the brother of the woman that was in the recent dream ADC mentioned above. She said he told her his sister had lain down for a nap and never woke up. It was the same day and approximate time that I had heard the voice shout my name.

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