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My Journey of Acceptance Over The Loss of My Dad


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My name is Evan, I am a 17 year old film student at Savannah Arts Academy, and I lost my father to drug overdose two years ago. My dad was from San Diego, California and it was in his will for his ashes to be spread on top of Mt. Soledad in his home town. This summer, after our high school graduation, my best friend and I are taking a train to San Diego and I will be filming a documentary about our travels. Along the way, we will stay in ten different cities and interview the people we meet about their own struggles with grief and closure. I would really appreciate if you visited our website and helped us spread the word about "JET Life." There is a ton more information about the film and my friend and I on there. I will post the link below. Also, if you would like to share your stories of loss with us, please don't hesitate to contact us -- the contact information is online.


Thank you,

Evan Walker

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Guest DarkHeart

My name is Evan, I am a 17 year old film student at Savannah Arts Academy, and I lost my father to drug overdose two years ago. My dad was from San Diego, California and it was in his will for his ashes to be spread on top of Mt. Soledad in his home town. This summer, after our high school graduation, my best friend and I are taking a train to San Diego and I will be filming a documentary about our travels. Along the way, we will stay in ten different cities and interview the people we meet about their own struggles with grief and closure. I would really appreciate if you visited our website and helped us spread the word about "JET Life." There is a ton more information about the film and my friend and I on there. I will post the link below. Also, if you would like to share your stories of loss with us, please don't hesitate to contact us -- the contact information is online.


Thank you,

Evan Walker

Hello Evan, I am very sorry for your loss, my heart goes out to you. It is never easy dealing with the death of a parent, but by your post, you sound very strong in spirit and self-aware. I visited the link you posted for ‘JETlife’. I think your idea is awesome ~ I am a hobbyist artist and, although I am not able to make a financial donation, I would like to offer some of my artwork/graphics towards this project as a donation. I don’t have an online portfolio so to speak, but I am a member of ShareCG and Renderosity where you can find examples of my work. The URLs are:



If you think my artistic contribution would be helpful, please feel free to drop me a line via my profile page here at grieving.com. I wish you well on your journey of closure & best of luck with your film, I will keep a keen eye on the progress =) Take care,Jude

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