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Hell in a handbasket...


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Truly, the world feels like it's gone mad. There's always been turmoil and unrest but... the last few years? I know I'm not alone in thinking WTF?

The world is just barely recovering from a pandemic, one which we haven't seen the likes of for a hundred years and now some deluded, egomaniac in Russia decides to invade a country and potentially start WWIII. I'm angry and there's nowhere for this anger to go. I'm still grieving the loss of my mom, like everyone here who is grieving losses. We just don't need this on top of everything else, do we?

In spite of all that's going on, I remind myself to count my blessings. There are people with their kids, huddling in subways right now to protect themselves from the falling bombs. People who left everything behind to try and escape madness and the hell of war. I fear for the future and the kind of world I brought my kids into, I really do.  

It's all beyond anything I can control though, so I am trying to just be grateful for what I have and focus on each day. I tell everyone how much I love them. I try to be kind. I try to help those I can. What else can I do?  

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I couldn't express better my feelings Traz...this war is really dangerous for the whole world! And it breaks my heart known that people are dying, children are dying..i live in Italy not so far away from Ukraine! I am terrified that not even out of a terrible pandemic we have to cope with a catastrophic war...

Life is hard enough itself...there's not need of made-man terrible pain!


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Thanks Roxeanne,

Take each day as it comes, keep saying prayers for those affected by the war and express yourself here. It's good to know we're not alone in our fears. ♡

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On 3/6/2022 at 5:03 PM, Traz said:

The world is just barely recovering from a pandemic, one which we haven't seen the likes of for a hundred years and now some deluded, egomaniac in Russia decides to invade a country and potentially start WWIII. I'm angry and there's nowhere for this anger to go.

Traz:  The war in Ukraine both breaks my heart and angers me. There are obviously people who walk the earth that are inhumane. But this is nothing new. Despots always think they are right. They never progress with society. They always have to resort to brutality because no one agrees with them. 

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On 3/6/2022 at 5:03 PM, Traz said:

I am trying to just be grateful for what I have and focus on each day. I tell everyone how much I love them. I try to be kind. I try to help those I can. What else can I do?  

Traz:  You ask "what else can I do?". You are already doing what you can. Having a conscience and being grateful says you are human. Please continue. 

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Remember the Kursk submarine disaster? I always knew Putin was ruthless but that was the first time on a world stage that I saw it. I've never forgotten it. But we have to be careful I think if he were to ever be replaced. He's somewhat of a known quantity and if he were to be removed, it would create a vacuum and could invite someone just as evil or even worse. 

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There are days I can't bear any more horrific, painful news.  Yet I know I must remain informed.  Truly there is evil in this world and we seem to see more of it these days.  Of course, this is not the first time and probably won't be the last.  Each time, we struggle, people die, and the entire world hurts.  Each time, we fight through, pick ourselves up as a species and society, and most of us try to do better.  That's what I try to remember on the darkest days.

There's a quote from a Canadian show my husband and I like quite a bit.  At the end of a two-part episode and as our heroes are "bloodied, but unbowed," though with loss of some they hold dear, a visiting character who has helped them says:  Evil wins battles, never wars.  I have been thinking about that quite a lot the last several years and especially these last few months.

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Thank you tnd and foreverhis, 

I appreciate both your comments and thoughts. The whole thing in Ukraine is just eating at me and I hate Putin so much. I just don't understand mindsets like that and their lust for power, glory and riches. And what they do to achieve it - by murdering innocent people. But tnd, you're right - the next person to replace him could be equally as evil and do even worse. There has always been evil in the world but do you think there's more of it these days? It feels like it lately.

Foreverhis, thank you for sharing that quote, that really struck me. I will try to remember and hold on to that ♡

I hope you both find moments of peace in all the craziness of today. 

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15 hours ago, Traz said:

I hope you both find moments of peace in all the craziness of today. 

And you as well.

I do find moments of calm, peace, and comfort in the small things.  I especially find them when I'm spending time with my doggie friend Raleigh.  She's a 12 lb bundle of love and fun who adores me as I adore her.  I'm her Goddogmom.  Her parents are friends who live across the street, so we were able to keep my "Raleigh times" even during the first 18 months of COVID.  We'd "meet" in the middle of the street (it's a dead end; no traffic).  Then I'd call Raleigh over and she would race to me.  Her parents and I would say high and often had socially distanced visits in one yard or the other.  At the very beginning of lock down, they decided that the enforced isolation was going to set me back in my grief (it did) and asked if I wanted Raleigh more than the 2 afternoons-early evenings we had been doing (I did).  That little girl got me through some pretty rough times and still does.  Her absolute and unconditional love reminds me of all that is right in the world and all that I actually have to be thankful for. 

I hope you find comfort, peace, and love in all that is good around you.  We need those reminders now more than ever.

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22 hours ago, Traz said:

There has always been evil in the world but do you think there's more of it these days? It feels like it lately.

Traz:  Evil in the world has been ongoing. The media only spoon feeds us what they want. Human rights have been trampled on while there are people tortured, punished and executed. When I think of Putin now I think of Pol Pot. I don't like reading about it or seeing it but what is going on and the end result (if there is one) will very well affect our own country. Actually, it already has. It's angering.  

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Hello tnd,

Have you ever listened to the lyrics of Bruce Cockburn's "If I had a rocket launcher?" Pretty much sums up my feelings toward those in power who abuse, torture and kill others. 

I am taking a break from the war stuff for a bit, I haven't been able to sleep lately which makes me out of commission the next day. I can't help those poor people or change what's going on so all I can do is keep them in my prayers.

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10 hours ago, foreverhis said:

And you as well.

I do find moments of calm, peace, and comfort in the small things.  I especially find them when I'm spending time with my doggie friend Raleigh.  She's a 12 lb bundle of love and fun who adores me as I adore her.  I'm her Goddogmom.  Her parents are friends who live across the street, so we were able to keep my "Raleigh times" even during the first 18 months of COVID.  We'd "meet" in the middle of the street (it's a dead end; no traffic).  Then I'd call Raleigh over and she would race to me.  Her parents and I would say high and often had socially distanced visits in one yard or the other.  At the very beginning of lock down, they decided that the enforced isolation was going to set me back in my grief (it did) and asked if I wanted Raleigh more than the 2 afternoons-early evenings we had been doing (I did).  That little girl got me through some pretty rough times and still does.  Her absolute and unconditional love reminds me of all that is right in the world and all that I actually have to be thankful for. 

I hope you find comfort, peace, and love in all that is good around you.  We need those reminders now more than ever.

I am so glad you have the blessing of little Raleigh in your life, as well as her parents. That was so thoughtful and caring of them to share their baby with you during your intense grieving. I never liked dogs, until I got my own that is.

I am the biggest convert ever! My boys (fur babies) are just there for me, no matter what. 

Thank you for your kind words and thoughts ♡

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I'm thinking President Zelensky of Ukraine should be up for the Nobel Peace Prize. I am liking his leadership skills and how he tries to keep his country's spirit alive and moral up. He humbles himself in ways I've not seen in a long time. He is doing and saying literally all he can on behalf of his citizens. Seems very smart to move in this way. 

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He has shown such strong leadership under extraordinarily difficult circumstances. I hope and pray Putin will back off, but it doesn't seem likely. Someone said recently (can't remember who) "What is the point of placing a victory flag on a country with nothing left?" Or something along those lines... The photos are shocking because it does indeed resemble a wasteland. 

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I'm sorry but I've just read from BBC World News that the Ukrainians have indeed sunk Russia's flagship. WOO-HOO!!!! I can't help it, is the best news I've had all day. 🥂

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Someone on another site said that Russia's flagship (sunk by the Ukranians), had been promoted to "submarine". LOL 

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On 3/6/2022 at 6:03 PM, Traz said:

It's all beyond anything I can control though, so I am trying to just be grateful for what I have and focus on each day. I tell everyone how much I love them. I try to be kind. I try to help those I can. What else can I do?  


I'm with you (about feeling helpless and useless and powerless over the things that are beyond my own power, control and authority to effect any positive change).

I don't know if my now-deceased husband ever felt the same in life - powerless and helpless and useless - he never said it out loud to me, and, just yesterday, I heard myself say to him, "I hope you never felt like this."

Then, on top of Covid, I just heard today about some type of potential 'endemic/epidemic hepatitis' that is now showing up amongst children across the globe. As you asked, "WTF???"   What the effin' F???

I think. You are doing all that we can do, individually and as a collective. I have this wall-hanging here, that my late husband also used to like, by John Wesley, and it reads: Do all the good you can; by all the means you can; in all the ways you can; in all the places you can; at all the times you can; to all the people you can; as long as you ever can.

And, you're doing that, Traz. Love and hugs and gratitude to you.   Ronni

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On 4/11/2022 at 4:13 AM, tnd said:

I'm thinking President Zelensky of Ukraine should be up for the Nobel Peace Prize. I am liking his leadership skills and how he tries to keep his country's spirit alive and moral up. He humbles himself in ways I've not seen in a long time. He is doing and saying literally all he can on behalf of his citizens. [...]

Um...this guy here, Zelensky. I guess it was 25 February (2022) when he showed up in his t-shirt on national/international TV. Wow! and Boy-oh-boy! Hot, or what?

I *think* that my late husband would be okay with me saying that...if I was about 25 years younger...Zelensky!!! (If you'all know what I mean. <wink-nudge-nudge, say no more.> Any Monty Python fans?)

That is to say, I fully and totally agree with tnd: Zelensky, from day 1, is still showing everything that is wonderful and glorious and admirable and to aspire towards, about our indomitable 'human spirit'. I *love* him, for this.

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Gail 8588

Zelensky will always be synonymous with courage.   From the beginning when he said he didn't need a ride, he needed ammunition.  And still now as his country is being ravaged, incredible bravery. 

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Zelensky is a true leader for his country's people. I love listening to his nightly broadcasts. The man even inspires me and gives me confidence and I'm not even Ukrainian. The world needs more Zelenskys. 

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It felt so good to watch that video today of the Ukrainian soldiers telling President Zalensky that they have pushed the Russians back over the border and that they (the Ukrainian soldiers) are there now. All day long I kept repeating their words "We are here!" 

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I hear what y'all are saying, although the craziness in this world is hardly limited to Putin or other morally questionable leaders. This country for ex has turned into a massive pile of self-righteous, snowflake, drama queen pile of nutballs. 

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I agree with you (I live in Florida, need I say more.) That is what made Zelensky's actions and words so remarkable.  He showed, and continues to show, real courage in the face of very real danger of his own death.   He didn't flee to a safe location to verbally criticize Putin's invasion. He stayed in country, and was a "high level target" for Russia and the mercenaries fighting for Russia.  It was not at all clear that Zelensky's plea for "ammunition" was going to be answered by the US, NATO, or anyone. 

I don't know if Ukraine will ultimately win the war, or if Zelensky himself will survive.  But no matter what happens, he showed amazing courage when he was offered  places and transportation to go into exile.  "I don't need a ride, I need  ammunition."

I wonder if his response was so different from what we have come to expect from world leaders in the modern age, because he wasn't a politician for very long.  He was an actor/ comedian.   I don't think Putin expected Zelensky to stand up to him. 



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I moved to Florida in 1969 and have been in north  and central Florida for all but a 10 year stint in Atlanta.   I live in Tallahassee now. 

My husband and I lived in St Augustine for 14 years before he died.  We met at UF in the 1970s


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My husband's last good day was Valentine's Day 2017. He was in a step down room from the ICU and a friend came over to watch a basketball game with him. He cheered the Gators on to victory against Auburn. 

He coded that night, they got him back up to the ICU. 

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