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My adult son died by a terrible metro accident


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My adult son died by a terrible metro accident as he walked drunk on the tracks. He was 21 and came from a Halloween party. He was a funny young man and full of life. He was only child. 

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do you have family or fiends that are with you and give you support? Can you go to therapy? I am in therapy because it helps and it gives me a safe space to talk about my giref and all this crazy feelings.

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I have family. They are angry with me because they think it's my fault. But it is not. I have good friends. I go to therapy. I am so sorry for your loss. Can you write me to my email address : meierrosenna@gmail.com

There we can better talk about the grief. 

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Hello, I know that no amount of words can fix this, but time will slowly heal you and with love in your heart for him, he will be able to feel your love and also smile back at you where ever he is. Be strong and remeber the good times that you both shared... The times that love was there,. This is the only true way you will slowly heal. As for your trauma of not able to see the trains, it's not anyone's fault that it happened because of a train, so many people use it to actualy be with their loved ones or go to work for their loved ones and come back to them at the end of the day... Change your perception and see if it's true... If it is, then stay with the truth and the fear should also subsided.

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God gives and takes away and that's not a bad thing, just a thing we have to get used to,  Dearest Rosenna, you aren't alone,  I agree that with truebliss about remembering the good times and memories as a way to heal.  May your heart know a new kind of love and way to still "connect" with your son who is stlll very much a soul although he has passed on from our earthly realm...

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