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I feel like I've been surrounded by death my entire life

Healer who needs healing

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Healer who needs healing

I feel like I've been surrounded by death my entire life. I keep losing the people closets to me. My confidants. People that I feel genuinely loved me are now gone forever. My mother passed when I was 6 and it still hurts , my aunt...her sister passed when I was 12... In between that I lost a step brother, cousin,  and uncle . I had a miscarriage in Dec 2011 lasted till Jan 2012, and my brother..my favorite brother... Was murdered that September right before his birthday.... I lost a sister figure in 2015 after a long line oF friends and family passing...and a few suicides from.co-workers and students at my daughter and niece schools. Jump forward to covid... Between my spouse and I we lost about 12 people in 2020. And 2021 I lost my other aunt (step moms sister) almost lost my spouse from allergies.. A my step mom survived covid. My other brother was in icu  for kidney and heart failure all at the same time...my dad has been in a home since before covid and I couldn't find him for months then couldn't see.him for al!most a year! I'm an empath and I feel so drawn out and weak at times. 

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Dear Healer,

I'm so sorry for all the losses you have experienced. It's so hard and I know I too would find it hard to cope. Please know you are not alone and there is support. I hope these websites will offer you some comfort. Thinking of you.

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