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Losing parents as teenagers


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I’m just so sad. I can’t breath. I just want to be okay 

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I lost my mom to cancer when was 15... then 8 months later I lost my dad to a motorcycle accident. I lost my world. It’s been almost 6 years and I still can’t breath. I need help. I just don’t know how 

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Hi Rebekahr, 

I’m really you had experience such horrible loss at such a young age. I lost my dad to suicide when I was 17 and I just lost my mom to a massive heart attack a  month ago and I’m now 28. Losing both of your parents is such a devastating blow, I can’t imagine losing them almost back to back like you did. In my experience life without your parents feels as if you’ve been abandoned or as if you’re a lost kid in the middle of an unknown city. Unfortunately I can’t provide any answers as I’m still struggling with the recent loss of my mom and our experiences are different, but I’m here if you ever want to talk

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I’m so sorry to hear that. That is a very young age to lose your parents. I lost my mother last year, I’m 20 years old right now. My dad separated from us when I was a kid and he didn’t even bother to come to her funeral. I’m also trying my best to cope with this and I hope you are doing okay as well because if you need anything or need to talk we can all grieve together. 

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I’m sorry you’re feeling so much pain. I’ve lost both my parents as well, my mom when I was 15.  The fact that you’re saying “I need help” is a huge step and more than some can do. Coming on this site was you helping yourself. A therapist could help, grief support group-lots are virtual these days and free. 

keep reaching out. You’re not alone which doesn’t help when you feel alone. It’s okay to feel how you are feeling. But being someone who has immense pain and I just lost my dad a month ago, I know that these words do help a bit but nothing cures it. I’ve joined a support group. A Google search can find some good ones, mine is even based in another state but I was allowed to join. These things do help, to have other people around you can hear share your pain. Or people to nod or just look at you when you speak. 

sending you peace. Keep reaching out. 

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i lost my mum when i was in my mid 30s and it was painful - currently taking care of my demented dad as an only child, so im sure it is worse for you emotionally as a teenager. I have to be frank and upfront which is why i mentioned the above that im not in the exact situation but i really feel for you

im really sorry that you have to go through this, but we are here for you, please feel free to type out your woes here and we will try to offer whatever advice we can.

please try to find someone to talk to, perhaps get professional help or talk to your friends, relatives etc.

im sure your parents loved you and would have wanted you to live your life to the fullest for yourself and them


please take care and feel free to msg

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