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Has anyone been able to travel lately?  I have been on a few road trips alone since my loss and I find traveling forces me to be in the moment making my grief a little bit lighter.  Maybe it is the change of scenery that helps, not sure.

I had plans last year to travel out of the country but the pandemic changed that.  I’m hopeful by the end of the year my plans will be realized...

Does anyone else have travel plans?  Where to?

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The only traveling I've done in recent years was last year to Houston for a wedding. Hadn't flown in a LONG time, talk about different. Checking in with a cell phone scan? Cmon just give me a ticket :)  No upcoming plans......where do you plan to go? 



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I love to travel, used to work on cruise ships, that’s where I met my husband and soulmate. He had been to every corner of the world, including Antarctica. I wasn’t so lucky, mostly Europe, the US, the Caribbean and Mexico. The last trip we took together was a cruise to Cuba in 2018. I couldn’t get him on another cruise ship after being a crew member for 23 years, but there was no other way to visit Cuba so he agreed and LOVED it. We were overnight in Havana and went to a jazz club, the act that night was Roberto Fonseca, a brilliant musician but I was most impressed by the percussionist, couldn’t believe the energy and vibe! Anyway, now that I got vaccinated I am ready to travel again and I am going to start planning my trip to South Africa. My husband was born there and his elder daughter lives there, some of his oldest friends are there. I am going to take his ashes to his homeland. But not yet... keeping him around for a bit longer.

Sent from my iPad using Grieving.com

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In years gone by the military gave me chances to travel which I'm grateful for...all over the country, including Alaska, and Germany as well. Haven't gone anywhere in a long time outside of Houston though, overdue! 

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Good for your Maria. I hope you are able to visit South Africa this year.

I'm still not ready to go anywhere and think I'll have to wait till 2022.


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