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Loss of a pet compounding loss of a partner/spouse


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I know Kay can relate and others: losing her was bad enough. But when I lost our dog years later, I totally regressed (frankly the main reason I'm back here). Not only was he a fantastic dog and friend and family, but he was my last tangible link to her...and living alone made it so much more alone. Worst case before that at least I always had him to come home to, someone who cared if I was home or not, so happy I was back. Now? Nothing. I could die tomorrow and while a few people would be sad for awhile, it wouldn't really impact anyone's life. 

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Have you considered getting another?  I honestly don't know how I'd have made it this last year w/o Kodie, he is my incentive to keep going and someone to interact with and love.  I need him perhaps even more than he needs me!

I have lost many pets since losing George, it doesn't get any easier, in fact, the opposite.  But the life shared with them is worth everything as they are what enriches my life.  I'm sorry as I know how much it hurts and how much we miss them.

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Just chiming in to say I feel you and I'm sorry. I euthanized my 16+ year old cat in mid-March--and knowing he was the last pet that my husband also knew made losing him harder (my husband died after an accident April 2020). It's brutal to lose another connection to our departed love. I can't be without an animal and I adopted a young cat on Saturday. I've had moments of deep sadness thinking that B won't know this new animal in my life, but I try not to linger in the thought. Will you bring a new animal into your life? I'm sure your wife would like the idea of you bonding with a new beast. It is hard to do things that will bring some joy because they also bring sadness, but we all deserve whatever joy we can find. Take good care as you grieve your dog and the lost connection to your wife. 

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Thanks to you both - no not looking at getting another dog, at least not until I move (whenever that is, undetermined...). Even then I'm not sure; living alone and having a dog it ties me down so I can't go anywhere for long because I have to feed him etc. And what if I want to go away somewhere, I don't trust the kennels around here and not comfortable with someone in my house when I'm not there. 

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I understand, that's a personal decision only we can make.  For myself, my life would be empty w/o Kodie to share in it, but there are the things you mentioned, there are no kennels for 60 miles from me.  Basically I don't go away unless I bring him with me but my sisters want to have a get together, will see if a friend will take him overnight but it might be the only time if she does, LOL!  I get it.

@SDC I get what you're saying, I've heard that a lot, but I somehow feel George does know the ones I've adopted, as I always have the feeling he's able to see me.

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