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TED talks or such

Gail 8588

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I find TED talks on YouTube to be quite fascinating.  I searched for the most popular TED talks of various years  and watched most of them. 

One that was very interesting was 'Gaming can Make a Better World'  by Jane McGonigal.  It really opened my eyes to the very real benefits of gaming and how gamers may  play a critical role in solving real world problems.  Both of my adult sons still play video games,  one to a much greater extent than the other. 

Daphine Bravlier gave a TED talk along the same line, but from a brain function analysis point of view.  Her's was called 'Your Brain on Video Games'.  In an odd sort of way, both these talks gave me hope for the future. 


Another favorite TED talk of mine is 'My Stroke of Insight'  by  Jill Bolte Taylor about how her brain functioned when she lost the use of one half of her brain.  I have listened to that talk many times and have recommended it to dozens of people.

Do any of you have favorite  TED talks, or other lecture type presentations you would recommend?   

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Dear Gail 8588, Funny I stumbled upon this message, as I am listening to a TED talk right now called Psychosis or Spiritual Awakening exploring how a psychological crisis can be turned into a positive transformative experience. Interesting. Have a good morning. TLN.

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Gail, great topic! In the past months since I’ve been working from home and my set up has me surrounded by computers, one of which is my own, so when it’s quiet on the work front I get to watch videos that I would otherwise not have the time to see if I was commuting to the office and there. I’ve been binging on documentaries of all sorts on YouTube, some historic, mostly about financial fraud and such, since I work in finance, but started following the podcasts of Andrew Huberman, a neuroscientist who explains the works of the brain in a very down-to-earth and practical manner, so many things to learn from him about the brain and body connection, even some practical advice to improve sleep, mood, focus, etc. I am sorry Andrew hadn’t started sharing his knowledge before my husband passed, I know Barry would have loved his talks. I know my husband’s daughter loves Andrew, she is a fitness instructor and wellness aficionado.

Sent from my iPad using Grieving.com

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