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This life just a passing phase.


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Ever since my woman was taken from this world (and probably even before that) I've been totally convinced that this cruel life / existence is just a passing phase. I believe that our eternal destiny lies with those we've loved and lost. My heart has been breaking ever since I lost my angel, but is comforted slightly by the staunch belief that one day we'll be together again forever. I know we're all suffering the trauma of loss on here so any views / opinions on this subject would be warmly appreciated. God bless.

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I think whatever gives you comfort you should cling to. Many people get a great deal of comfort from a strong religious belief in an afterlife.  

I am a Christian, but my faith is not as strong as many others. I'd say my faith is a bit wobbly.  I attend church, even participate in a bible study group.  I pray.  But I also question and I do not have that solid conviction of seeing my love again in the future. 

But even with a wobbly faith, I take some comfort in the practices and traditions of my faith.

I say take what comfort you can in your religious traditions.  We need all the support we can find. 


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@Gail 8588 Thanks Gail, strangely enough my partner would often say to me that she doubted the existence of God after witnessing both her father and brother die from the same horrid and cruel condition that would eventfully claim her life (Huntingdon's disease).

She was such a beautiful, gentle soul and if there is a God then I'm sure He'd understand and give her the place in heaven she truly deserves.

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@Gail 8588  I want to point out that faith the size of a grain of mustard seed is where we all begin and it doesn't take any more than that as faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things unseen.  In other words, we don't have to be able to know or explain things scientifically, we don't have to understand anything, just go with what we have and that's enough to have hope, and that, quite honestly, keeps me going. 

@ScotJ65  I'm sure your wish is granted and she is recognized for the beautiful soul that she is...who knew her better than you!

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Hi ScotJ65,

Having faith doesn't mean you don't have any doubts.  In my case, I believe 99.9% in God and an ever lasting life.  The .1% is why I worry and pray.

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6 hours ago, ScotJ65 said:

this cruel life / existence is just a passing phase. I believe that our eternal destiny lies with those we've loved and lost.

I strongly believe this as well. Life is like one big test, especially of one's faith. It's a character building experience that will reflect in our next life. Faith is what keeps me going, and hopefully I will be rewarded by being with my wife in happiness.

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15 hours ago, jmmosley53 said:

The .1% is why I worry and pray.

I have GAD and can worry about anything in the middle of the night, if not for meds that take the edge off and allow me some sleep...but worrying about being with George again isn't one of them, thankfully.  More like temporal things, stressors of everyday life.

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I think about being reunited with my loved ones every day.   I lost my soulmate 19 years ago.  I grieve that loss still.  When I see them again, I won’t run to them.  I’ll sprint! ❤️

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On 3/30/2021 at 11:31 AM, KayC said:

In other words, we don't have to be able to know or explain things scientifically, we don't have to understand anything, just go with what we have and that's enough to have hope, and that, quite honestly, keeps me going. 

Indeed.  This is one of my favorite descriptions of faith and the difference between faith and religion.  It's from Keeping the Faith.  Father Brian, played by Edward Norton who also directed and dedicated the movie to his late mother "who had faith in everyone," is talking to his congregation after having "teased" them a little about knowing the specifics of The Seven Deadly Sins:

The truth is, I don't really learn that much about your faith by asking questions like that... because those aren't really questions about faith, those are questions about religion. And it's very important to understand the difference between religion and faith. Because faith is not about having the right answers. Faith is a feeling. Faith is a hunch, really. It's a hunch that there is something bigger connecting it all... connecting us all together. And that feeling, that hunch, is God. And coming here tonight, on your Sunday evening... to connect with that feeling, that is an act of faith. And so all I have to do is look around the room at this packed church... to know that we're doing pretty well as a community. Even if all of you failed my pop quiz miserably. 

That movie came out around the time that John and I were exploring our faith away from the limitations of the church (Episcopal and Methodist-Episcopal) we'd been raised in and mostly stuck with as young adults.  I had been having trouble explaining to my parents why leaving a specific denomination and searching for a more universal understanding wasn't "losing" our faith.  We never lost our faith.  When I saw that scene, the whole idea came together for me, so it really stuck in my mind and heart.

I don't know what's next in this wondrous, mysterious universe of ours, but I have faith that there is something more, something beyond our understanding and comprehension. I have faith that the "more" is a beautiful place to be.  Most of all, I have faith that my John is there now and hope so much that when it's my time, he will be there to greet me with open arms and a loving heart.

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18 hours ago, Mary190136 said:

I think about being reunited with my loved ones every day.   I lost my soulmate 19 years ago.  I grieve that loss still.  When I see them again, I won’t run to them.  I’ll sprint! ❤️

Welcome here, Mary.  I understand, it's been almost 16 years for me.  Not a day goes by but I think of my husband, and now my Arlie (dog) and often Kitty as well as many others including my mom and sister.  It seems this world and the next are very entwined!  I look forward to my turn, when I get to be with them, although I'm not rushing it, I still have Kodie (puppy) with me to take care of and live for.  :wub2:

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