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Spring time is tough.

Lars M

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It has been 8 months since my soul mate passed and Spring time was her favorite see had beautiful flower beds all around the house so many people commented on them. I walk out side now and all I see are dead weeds I don't have what it takes to make them look the way they did not to mention the time to do it. She was working in her flower beds last year at this time when she thought she pulled a muscle in her side. What a miss diagnoses that was the side pain kept getting worse until they finally found out it was her lung 3 months latter she was gone. Stage 4 lung cancer that went to her bones then brain. 

I will try and make her proud and work on those gardens. .God I miss you Jill !!!  

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I'm so sorry...this is a rough road we're all traveling.   I just came in from outside and was just thinking the same thing.  I lost David 8 mos ago and he was a landscaper when he was young and loved to plant flowers every year.  Now the pots and beds he tended are all empty and I don't have the green thumb he did..I'll give it my best but it won't be the same.  I'm feeling so blue today, and have the flu on top of all the grief.  This just sucks.   I wish there was something I could say to ease the pain, but all I have is shared sadness.  One day at a time...


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Darlene we have the same thing going on your husband died 10 days after my wife and they both loved landscaping after I wrote that post today I made myself go outside and start cleaning out the flower beds I am going to do my best to make it look good again. I have a bench in the flower bed so she can come down from heaven and sit a bit. It is so freaking hard we did everything together we fished and hiked looked for moral mushrooms this time of year. I just work and come home. well enough sad talk lets have a better tomorrow.  

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It is unseasonably warm here. I was out pulling some weeds tonight with eyes watering as I remembered. Usually the ground is frozen this time of year. I was able to walk barefoot a little. I am not much of a gardener. We used a small circle of landscaping bricks and we made a garden together. We planted a few things. I especially remember we had gone for a walk and someone had a "Free" sign on some tomato cages. There were exactly five cages and that was exactly the number of plants we had put in the garden, We were giddy at our good fortune. We grew onions, tomatoes, chives, parsley, and a few other edibles. She had gardened in her parents garden - but she always had wanted one of her own. We did that together. This year I am going to stick with simple herbs. It's her garden. I hope I can be successful enough with the plants that she will look down on them favorably. I will try to make her proud too. I'll cook with the herbs. I'll talk to her when I do. I don't have the words to describe how much I miss her and how much I want her back here. We belong together,

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Thank you for sharing your memories of your loved ones and their green thumbs @Lars M @Darlene13 @Perro J It is truly a gift to be able to grow things.

Gardening was definitely not something Jeff and I were good at. Generally, our house has one of the messier yards. But as the snow is melting, I see the outdoor projects we left undone last fall when we ran out of time and it's so hard to realize that he won't be here to help finish them. How did we go from great hopes and plans to such sadness and loneliness in a few short months? I miss you so much, my great partner in DIY crime. Home improvement will never be the same...


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22 hours ago, Darlene13 said:

Now the pots and beds he tended are all empty and I don't have the green thumb he did.

I tried the summer following George's death but couldn't even keep his TOMATOES alive!  They're supposed to be EASY!   I apologized to him and just chalked it up to something else that died with him.  :wub:

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