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Love is all there is


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It has been one of those bad days. I got showered and dressed but since then nothing. I have been crying and thinking and crying more. My purpose in life was to love him and to care for him. Love is all there is. Everything else is pointless.

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28 minutes ago, LMR said:

Love is all there is. Everything else is pointless.

When my wife was sick in the hospital, those are the exact words that I told her. Our love and bond for each other is all that matters. Material possessions and all the other worldly stuff mean nothing.

I can sympathize with you over that sentiment as I strongly believe it.

I've also been having a rough last little while. It was her birthday last week and the continuous memories and longing for her  keeps me breaking down.

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1 hour ago, Sparky1 said:

When my wife was sick in the hospital, those are the exact words that I told her. Our love and bond for each other is all that matters. Material possessions and all the other worldly stuff mean nothing.

When my husband was in the hospital, we were talking one day and he asked me what were the 10 most important things I wanted to do.  I don't remember why that would have come up, but I said I wanted him to get well and come home.  He asked, "What else?" and I replied something like, "Nothing else.  If you're not with me, what else could matter?"

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2 hours ago, LMR said:

It has been one of those bad days. I got showered and dressed but since then nothing. I have been crying and thinking and crying more. My purpose in life was to love him and to care for him. Love is all there is. Everything else is pointless.

I'm so sorry LMR. There will be those days; it comes with the territory. But they should lessen as time goes on. Hold on. I know it seems impossible but you can survive this.


20 minutes ago, foreverhis said:

When my husband was in the hospital, we were talking one day and he asked me what were the 10 most important things I wanted to do.  I don't remember why that would have come up, but I said I wanted him to get well and come home.  He asked, "What else?" and I replied something like, "Nothing else.  If you're not with me, what else could matter?"

Does this ever hit home. Pretty sure I mentioned this elsewhere so pardon any duplication, but on my birthday - 4 days before she passed - she was upset because she realized it was my birthday and didn't have a card or anything for me. There she is fighting for her life, going through hell on Earth to say the least, and she's thinking of me. That's love people. That's an angel pretending to be an ordinary human being. Needless to say I said the only present I wanted or needed was her getting better and getting out of that damn hospital. Unfortunately that didn't happen. I have hated my birthday and not celebrated it since.

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2 hours ago, LMR said:

My purpose in life was to love him and to care for him. Love is all there is. Everything else is pointless.

Dear LMR, I do empathize with you when you say all else but love is pointless. But now that there is this thing called Grief pressing down on love, and suffocating it; now there exists another purpose: the fight against it. I have found since my Father died that every day since is, and until Grief is no more, always will be, a war--and that war is not pointless. Be well, TLN.

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Hi LMR, you're so right in what you say. Nothing can compare to loving someone with your heart and soul. I'll never stop loving my partner and I speak to her every day. I keep looking for signs that she can hear me and there have been a few. It may just be my imagination, but I don't think so. I know she's in heaven now and waiting for me to join her. For me, personally, that day can't come soon enough. It's this belief that gives me the strength to carry on. Find strength in whatever way you can. Be kind to yourself.

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