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Advice needed!

Jessica A

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I love my mom quickly to cancer. In less then 4 months of being diagnosed, she was taken away in 10/2019. Just recently i realized how checked out I've been in my relationship and marriage. I've trying to get back to myself and fix my marriage before it's over but seems like my spouse now has checked out himself or maybe he's been checked out and I'm just now realizing it. I don't have much support and we have a daughter. Just trying to figure how to get to myself and my marriage before it's too late 

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Dear Jessica,

I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your mom.  It's so hard to lose a beloved parent  The grief is so raw and painful and it ends up affecting so many areas of our lives. I hope you'll be able to find the right supports in the community or church for yourself and your daughter. I found these articles that might offer some help:

https://sanfordnccounseling.carolinacounselingservices.com/protecting-marriage-impact-grief/#:~:text=More than intense grief%2C the,may not be the same.



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