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Several nights ago I was talking with my friend & neighbour on the phone and inevitably the subject of the death of my partner came up. All the memories came flooding back and I became overwhelmed with emotion. After she managed to calm me down a bit I offered to take her dog out for a walk. I don't have any pets of my own and really enjoy dog walking (I used to have one of my own many years ago). It was a beautiful & mainly clear moonlit night and I was enjoying the fresh air. Then something really strange happened. I looked up at the sky and could hardly believe what I was seeing. Two huge clouds formed almost perfectly in the shape of an angel and illuminated by the moonlight. It was absolutely stunning & really took my breath away. I only wish I had got a photograph of it. Everyone I've spoken to since is convinced it's my partners way of telling me everything is going to be fine and that we'll be reunited one day. I wonder if anyone else on here has had a similar experience? I just had to share this story as it has given me a desperately needed boost in both my mood and my outlook.

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Many of us have shared seeing signs from our loves.  I have.  A skeptic may say - that is just a random event, you are just attributing it to your love.  You will never convince a skeptic, but for many of us it's not just the visual cue, but also the strong feeling that accompanies it. 

I am very sure John sends me visual cues to let me know he is here, near me.

I also think they are very good for our mental health.  If you felt it was a sign from your love, I would accept it as that. 


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I've also seen a cloud formation maybe a week or so after my wife passed away. It was huge and looked like a being with stretched out wings. I realized that this was a sign. Mind you, it wasn't like perfectly formed, but I could tell what the shape was more or less. I've also had quite a few other happenings, which no doubt was my wife telling me she was there. 

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With mine it was rainbows (When George passed there was a tremendous thunder & lightening storm AND a triple rainbow!  One of the rainbows was all too faint the my sister caught it on film and sent it to me.)  Since that time my signs have been dragonflies, rainbows, pansies, all had meaning to us personally, even birds as we used to watch them from our porch swing.

The cloud formation does indeed seems meant as a consolation to you, hold it in your heart!


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I remember my daughter coming and getting me at the hospital (1 1/2 hours from my home) and the tremendous thundering storm as we drove home, that he was welcomed into heaven with such a big bang and rainbows to boot, was amazing to me!

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I've always loved watching the sky.  Seeing forms in the clouds and shooting stars.  I like best to see the evening sun shining through rain clouds.  It almost looks like the gateway to heaven.  I imagine that my love is standing at the gate saying "here I am everything wonderful I'll wait for you here."

It cheers me to have those kinds of almost magical moments even if they are just in my imagination.  I wish I had but I've never had any kind of ghost type of encounter.

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