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A wonderful dream.

Lars M

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I lost my wife of 30 years just 7 mounts ago and to say it has been rough is an understatement but the other night I had a dream I want to share. In this dream I was awoken by my wife sitting on the side of the bed the movement of the bed woke me up she put her index finger over her lips as to say shh, she said I can't stay long she was as beautiful  as I have ever saw her she bent over and kissed my lips it felt so warm and real she said I snuck out they will be looking for me and she turned to the doorway and disappeared. I believe she just got her wings and snuck out of heaven. She would try that. I miss her so deeply but this was so real I was warm all day. 

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How beautiful. I hope this dream/visitation will stay with you and help you through your loss.


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That is wonderful!  Thank you for sharing.

I did edit this post because it was probably too much. Not everything is all about me. Sorry.



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I don't know if it was real or just a dream I have heard so many things about the here after and so many theory's. People have come back after being dead for several minutes and all talk about this beautiful white light. I know the day before my wife passed she was reaching towards the sky all day in the hospital bed. The hospice nurse said she see's this all the time they even open and close there hands as if to be reaching for something or someone. I pray everyday I feel it is good insurance. If I live by the golden rule each day then I am doing my part. we will all know one day. 

I pray you all on here have a better day than the one before.  

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19 hours ago, Lars M said:

I believe she just got her wings and snuck out of heaven. She would try that.

I love this!  It shows her spirit!  And I'm so glad you had that!

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Thank you for sharing.  I can't wait to have one of those dreams!!!   Lately what I remember of my dreams is the one where I'm just out wandering around and I hate that it is recurring and seems to happen when I'm a little overwhelmed.  I'll let you all know though, if he ever comes to me.

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On 2/21/2021 at 2:49 PM, Lars M said:

I don't know if it was real or just a dream

They say that when you remember the dream and it was vivid, it most likely is a visitation from your loved one. I am so glad you had it. I've had a few of them and they brought me great comfort and reassurance that my wife was okay and that she told me that she loved me and even kissed me. I can definitely tell you without a doubt it was 100% exactly like we used to kiss. I have to write them down so I don't forget them.  Some were more intense and I know I won't forget those.

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