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A sweet dream


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Last night, I dreamt of him... It was the sweetest dream I've had of us, and the second dream I've had of him since he died that was very clear in my head (the first one I can barely remember, it was just like an "almost" dream because I haven't really been sleeping well).

But unfortunately in my dream last night, I was completely oblivious of the fact that he was already dead. In my dream, I forgot that he had died... To some extent, I feel like I missed my chance to say all the things I wanted to say to him. But still, I woke up happy. Because my dream was happy. I saw him smile the sweetest smile and he was so handsome, as he always was. The most handsome person in my heart.

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Hi borbzgirl, in a way it wouldn't matter that you couldn't say all those things because I'm sure that your man already knows everything that you so much wanted to tell him. And, in any case, I'm certain your destined to meet him again just as I know I'm going to be with my angel too. It'll be so wonderful and perfect. So, always smile when you think of his handsome face and try not to be too disheartened, although I know at times it's difficult. Sending you loads of hugs.

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Borbzgirl, I am glad you had a dream of him. Most likely it was a visitation from him since it was so clear and you remembered it. I've had a few of my wife and they comfort me to no end. The last one was a few nights ago and she told me that she loves me. It was just about a fleeting second but I woke up to remember it. I had asked her when I went to bed to come in my dream and to wake me up so I could remember the dream.

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I agree with the others' responses, and am so glad that you had it!  I don't think I dreamed of George for about a year and then I remember demanding to know where he'd been all this time!  When I woke up I was mad at myself for that, instead of just enjoying the bit of time we had in it.  


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