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Pain of Loss

Bennie Jets

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(19) Turning Pain Into the Path - YouTube

I found this presentation interesting. I don't find the title very descriptive or useful. I think it is more about dissolving pain.

I don't think I understand it all, but I think Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche talks about pain being an entity of its own that belongs to the idividual (each of us) and that it needs to be addressed, given attention, space, love and compassion, quietness, stillness, openness, warmth, for it to dissolve, regardless of the story we attach to it. 

He jokes about taking three pills (his prescription) daily: Stillness, Quietness, and Openness. How many? Depends on how unwell you are. =] At least one time a day. If unwell, maybe two or three times a day.

Some of what he says rings true and may be helpful.

Pain of loss - to me, it is a bit like an eagle with sharp claws trying to find a perch in my heart and mind to settle on - I can't stand its piercing sensation and shoo it off (by crying out loud) but it only flaps around a bit looking for another spot to land in pretty much the same space. Maybe the way to address it in this presentation can dull the claws a bit without ignoring it, which I think would not work.

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I often bookmark videos I want to access later, I've found if I name the bookmark something more applicable so I can more readily find it, and then later go to the bookmark manager and copy the URL, when I post it into the forum it displays what I have named it rather than the title they gave it.  Took me years to discover this by accident!
Pain of Loss

Thank you for sharing this.  I love your analogy, very aptly put!

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2 hours ago, KayC said:

I often bookmark videos I want to access later, I've found if I name ...

How do you bookmark them? Please. =]

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I use Chrome and in the bar at the top of the page is an empty white star, click on that and a window will pop up allowing you to select where you want to save it to or you can start a folder and save it to that, and it'll automatically put the link name in but you can override it by selecting what they put and typing in what you want to call it.


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