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My Name is Suzi - Please Pray


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My brother JM died on December 23 (age 43) of a heart attack.  We all believe that we must live as if our days are numbered - as the Bible compares the span of our lives to a blade of grass.  We know that we will see my brother again in Heaven.  I know I was living as if I would see my brother on Earth always - We have to be prepared that our lives can change in an instant.  We have to live as though each day could be our last.  We find such solace in the scripture, but we do have tough moments where we can mourn his absence in this existence.  God bless you as you endure your own grief.  Death is a part of life.  Christ Jesus gives us eternal life.  

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Sending my thoughts and prayers.

Thinking of you.

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Sending my thoughts and prayers to you Suzi


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