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Dad died from covid


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So my dad passed away from covid two weeks ago. 

My mum called me whilst I was away on a work trip and told me he'd been taken to hospital and put on a ventilator. A few days later doctors said there was nothing they could do for him and he passed away. 

I always thought I would be an absolute mess if my dad died...ive always been daddy's little princess and he's done so much for me throughout my life so I dont understand why I'm not really feeling anything. 

I just don't understand how any of this has happened and I can't stop thinking about how he even got it (he was isolating) and keep thinking about if he knew he was dying and that makes me feel sad

I went back to work 2 days after so I could keep busy and now I've been furloughed I thought I would have to face the reality but its like I've pushed all those feelings away and I'm not capable of getting upset about it? I know everyone is different when it comes to grieving but I'm almost angry at myself for not being more upset if that makes sense? I feel like I want to cry but my brain isn't understanding why.

Sorry for the long post...I havnt opened up to anyone and needed to get this off my chest

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I think you are still in shock. Two weeks isn't really a long time to process what happened. What you wrote about feeling angry with yourself for not being more upset makes sense, but try to be patient with yourself. The first weeks after such a loss are a surreal time and anything can be expected. With my mother, I have spent nearly three months, walking through a haze. In the first weeks, crying spells came out of nowhere. My brother was tearful, when she gave her last breath, but, afterwards, it was like for him it was all back to normal. He has told me he misses her and I believe him, but everyone is different and responds to these losses in different ways. Tears are only one way we respond to the loss of a parent. I wish you and your mum the best and hope you will accept my condolences.

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I'm so sorry for the loss of your dad. Covid is an evil disease. I lost my beautiful darling mum to it nearly 3 weeks ago.

It was just so sudden. It attacked her body and just like that the medics said she wouldn't make it.

My deepest condolences to you and your family. 

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