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A Grief Observed

Perro J

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Grief is like a long valley, a winding valley where any bend may reveal a totally new landscape. As I've already noted, not every bend does. Sometimes the surprise is the opposite one; you are presented with exactly the same sort of country you thought you had left behind miles ago. That is when you wonder whether the valley isn't a circular trench. But it isn't. There are partial recurrences, but the sequence doesn't repeat.

C. S. Lewis  -  A Grief Observed

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“Did you ever know, dear, how much you took away with you when you left? *You have stripped me even of my past, even of the things we never shared*. I was wrong to say the stump was recovering from the pain of the amputation. I was deceived because it has so many ways to hurt me that I discover them only one by one.”

Excerpt From
A Grief Observed
C. S. Lewis
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This one always tugs my heartstrings. 


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